Medieval Scandinavian Motif Database

Bibliography for: Bisk

Biskupa sögur I-II, Copenhagen 1858-78.

Works with this reference:


The Fates.

cf. D1311.3;
cf. M301.12.
ÁsmS fol. 8b;
ÁsmVík ch. 19;
Fáfn 11-13 (= Völs ch. 18);
Gylf ch. 8 (15);
Herv 155 (FAS I 508; Skj II 276);
HrólfKr 95 ch. 32 (FAS I 97);
Krákumál st. 24, ed. Skj I 654 (FAS I 308-9);
Nornag ch. 10 (in Flb I 358 = FAS I 340-41);
Saxo lib. VI c. IV 12;
Vsp 20.
cf. Bisk I 497-98;
cf. Sturl I 285-86;
cf. MC 238;
cf. Saussaye 312;
cf. Vries 380.



VilhSj 45-46 ch. 21: ;
killed, in twelve pieces:
Bisk II 129.


Animal tamed by holiness of saint.

Bisk I 357, 444;
ÓláfH ch. 258 in FMS V 147;
ÓláfTr ch. 208 in FMS II 173, by Odd ch. 57 (45).


Giant hog.

cf. Bisk I 417.


Magic storm (»gerningahríð«, »galdrahrið«, »kyngiveðr«).

cf. D1541;
Eyrb XL 12-16;
Gullp ch. 3;
Bisk II 118;
Vígl 63 ch. 11;
HrólfKr ch. 34 (FAS I 108);
ÖOdd 36-39 (ch. X 1-7; FAS II 179-80, 515-16);
GrímL 144 ch. 1;
KetilH 117 ch. 3;
ÞorstVík 435 ch. 19;
HrólfG ch. 22 (FAS III 122-23);
GHrólf 279-82, 317-18 ch. 16, 28;
SörlaSt 410-16 ch. 2-4;
HjÖlv 471 ch. 9;
HalfdBr 568-71 ch. 4-5;
(y.) Bósa 94 ch. 7;
Friðþj ch. 5-6 (FAS II 72-81, 492-94);
Nornag ch. 5 in Flb I 351 (FAS I 324-25);
Helgaþ 360-61 (FMS III 137, 139);
FlóresS II 6-7;
VilhSj 10 ch. 5 (ZDPh XXVI 6);
HaraldHr 271;
Þorgr 23 ch. 5;
Kóngab 7-8, 16-17;
SkaldH 18 ch. 6;
Saxo lib. I c. VII 1;
Reuschel 111;
Dehmer 92.


Magic cap.

Bisk I 596, 606.


Magic cloth protects.

Bisk I 224-25, 541, II 28;
BárðSn 39, 42 ch. 18, 20.


Magic book summons genie.

cf. summons storm:
Bisk II 223-24 =
Gering I 85.


Magic healing fountain.

cf. D1505.5.3.
ÓláfH ch. 245 in Hkr II 518;
IngaK ch. 32 in Hkr III 396, ch. 29 in FMS VII 251;
Bisk II 24-25;
Saxo lib. XIII c. VI 9 and VII 1.


Magic healing plant.

cf. D1472.1.4.
EgÁsm XIV 12 (FAS III 396):
Völs ch. 8.
consecrated grass:
Bisk II 81.
cf. Fritzner II 591:


Magic healing drink.

GHrólf 335 ch. 32;
Þorgr 16 ch. 2;
Fertram ch. 9;
Bisk II 18.


Holy water as remedy.

cf. D1505.5;
Bisk I 438, 451, 457, 612, II 15-16, 19, 20-25, 139.


Magic fountain restores sight.

cf. D1500.1.1.
Bisk I 608-9, II 177-78.


Magic object miraculously opens and closes.

cf. D2088;
cf. Bisk I 439-40, II 17;
fsLeg 602.


Holy water procures fire or light.

Bisk I 596, 616, II 176-77;
Skj II 386.


Magic object quenches fire.

Sunniva's Shrine:
ÓláfH in FMS V 215/
Sverr ch. 115 in Flb II 668 (ch. 150 FMS VIII 361)/
Bisk I 418;
holy water:
Bisk I 446.


Corpse in coffin refuses to be moved in wagon.

cf. E411.0.3.
cf. Heiðarvíga ch. 9;
Bisk I 251.


Dying peasant summons greedy bishop for heavenly tribunal; the bishop dies hearing the message.

»Af ágirnd Absalons erkibiskups og af einum bónda« in FMS XI 440 (= Gering no. XIX).


Saint opens prison door by prayer.

cf. D2165.
cf. Bisk I 672;
through prayer:
Sturl I 312.
chest opens by bishop's blessing:
Mágus, ed. 1858, 113 ch. 47.


Food produced by prayer.

Bisk I 600-01.


Evil spirits conjured away in name of deity.

Bisk I 598.


Magic power by circumambulation.

Bisk II 247;
ÓláfH ch. 203 in Hkr II 451-52;
cf. Vries 156, 267.


Lost object or person found by holy man.

Bisk I 198, 260, 308, 329;
cf. ÓláfH in FMS V 216.


Magic power of prophecy.

cf. D1712;
Vatnsd X 8 ff.,
XLIV 19 ff.;
Ldb ch. 19, 373 (2 n.);
Eyrb XVIII 5, LXIII 13;
ÞorvV I 3-6;
ÓláfTr ch. 31 in Hkr I 309;
Bisk I 566-67, 570, II 186;
Völs ch. 16 (cf. Gríp in BuggeE 204 ff.), 22 (21), 37 (35);
Þiðr I 346;
SturlSt 594 ch. 2;
Kersbergen 149 ff., 156 ff.


Foreknowledge of hour of death.

Svarfd ch. 26;
Bisk I 662, II 146-48, 156;
HrólfKr ch. 20, 33 (FAS I 52, 106);
Herv 7-8, 95 (BuggeNS 208-09, FAS I 419);
ÖOdd 103 st.20 (ch.XXX7, FAS II 218);
Bósa 25 ch. 8 (FAS III 210);
Þiðranda þáttr in Flb I 419 (FMS II 193);
ÞorstUxaf 259 (FMS III 126);
Saxo lib. XI c. IX 3.


Future revealed in dream.

cf. D1810.8;
AriÍ ch. IV 2-3;
Njála CXII 1, CXXXIII, CXXXIV 22, CLVII 35 ff.;
Vatnsd XXXVI 4;
Laxd XXXI 12-14, XXXIII 48-49, LXXIV 2-4, LXXVI 21;
GíslaS XIII 1, XIV 7, XXI 7-9, XXIII 2-6, XXIX 6-10, XXXII, XXXIII 1-6;
Vápnf in Austf ch. XIII;
VígaGlúm ch. 9, 21;
Fóstbr ch. 1, 11;
Hávarð ch. 20;
Heiðarvíga 26;
Ljósv ch. 11 (21), 16 (26);
BjörnHít ch. 25, 26, 32;
GunnlO ch. 2, 11 (15, 120);
Bisk I 109, 294, 423, 473-74, 647, 662, 823, II 8, 39, 48, 53, 225-26;
Skj I 113, 164, 188, 281, II 222 ff.;
Sturl I 28, 256, 258-59, 269, 303-04, 409, 432, 508, 514, 516, II 91, 150;
ÓláfH ch. 18, 214 in Hkr II 25, 470, ch. 37 in FMS IV 58;
HaraldH ch. 80-82 in Hkr III 193 ff.;
MagnúsS ch. 25 Hkr III 298, ch. 20 in Jöfraskinna Hkr III 502;
HálfdS ch. 6-7 in Hkr I 93, ch. 2-3 in FMS X 169-70;
Flóam ch. 23, 24;
SigJórs ch. 46 in FMS VII 163;
Sverr ch. 1, 5, 10, 42 in FMS VIII (Flb II 535-37, 571);
Rauðúlfs þáttr in FMS V 333 (Flb II 294);
Óláfs þáttr Geirstaðaálfs in FMS V X 210 (Flb II 6 ff.);
Völs ch. 26 (25) (cf. LiestølUpph 165), 35 (33), 37 (35)/
cf. Guðr II 39-44/
Atlam 14-17, 26, 28 in BuggeE 272, 294, 296;
Sögubr 10-12 (FAS I 371);
Friðþj VI 17;
Ásm ch. 6, 8, 10 (FAS II 474-75, 483, 487);
BárðSn 2 ch. 1;
Hemings þáttr ch. 18 in Hb 336-37;
Amb ch. 17, 21;
Draumr Þorsteins Síðu-Hallssonar in AusfS 223-29;
Saxo lib. I c. VIII 23;
cf. woman is »berdreym«:
VestfjGr 168;
MC 311-12;
Henzen 1890;
Larsen 1917 37-85;
Kersbergen 151 ff.;
Klare 1933 10 ff.;
Kelchner 1935;
Schlauch 71;
Dehmer 105;
Heinzel 53.


Dream by a (pregnant) woman about fate of her unborn child.

cf. M311;
Harðar ch. 6;
Bisk I 790;
Jómsv ch. 4 (2);
HaraldHárf ch. 42 in Hkr I 162;
Sverr ch. 1 in FMS VIII 7 and Flb II 535;
Saxo lib. IX c. XI 4;
Mágus 171 ch. 76;
SigrgV 138-39 ch. 9.


Blood (in dream) as omen of killing.

Atlam 24 (= Völs ch. 37 (35));
Njála CXXVII 8, CLVI 2, CLVII (= Darraðarljóð in Skj I A 419, B 389);
GíslaS ch. 24, 33 (XXIII 4, XXXII 5 = Skj I 102);
GunnlO 88 ch. 11 (17, XIV 5);
GunnlO 104-05 ch. 13 (23, XVII 1-2);
VígaGlúm ch. 21;
ÓláfTr ch. 49 in Hkr I 354;
Bisk I 497-98, 670;
Sturl II 288, 292;
Völs ch. 36 (34);
ÁnB 353 ch. 6;
Kersbergen 162 ff.


Eclipse an evil omen.

cf. F965.2.
Bisk I 145.


Red or pale moon an evil omen.

cf. F961.3.
Bisk I 145.


Animal behavior as bad omen.

cf. B140.
MagnúsBl ch. 9 in Hkr III 329 =
madness of dogs:
 HaraldG ch. 10 in FMS VII 187;
fighting dogs:
Bisk I 444.


Magic knowledge of events in distant place.

Ys ch. 7;
Bisk I 173, 175, II 130;
Harð ch. 25.


Dream shows events in distant place.

cf. D1810.8.
Bisk I 113, 301-02, 793, II 28.


Magic illusion.

cf. D1368;
Gylf ch. 2, 31 (46) =
MC 93;
Skáldsk ch. 1 (55);
Ys ch. 5;
EiríkR 230 ch. 11;
Álafl ch. 16;
Dínus 42, 66-67, 77, 80;
Bisk I 243;
Gering I 218-31: Perus;
Mágus 22-23 ch. 12, 29-32 ch. 15-16, 175 ch. 79;
Saxo lib. V c. XIII 2, lib. VIII c. XIV 12-18 =
Herrm 312, 592 ff.;
Heinzel 53;
Dehmer 98.


Magic illusion as protection.

Bisk I 601-02.


Pursuers confused in other ways by magic illusion.

Ldb ch. 276 and n.;
Njála ch. 12;
ÓláfTr ch. 63 in Hkr I 376/
cf. StrömbäckSejd 46;
ÞorvV in Flb I 270-71 (FMS I 273);
Bisk I 600-02, II 134;
Harðar ch. 26;
GHrólf 317 ch. 28;
SörlaSt 442-43 ch. 19;
HringH 271.


Magical murder.

cf. D1402.
Ys ch. 13, 14/
cf. StrömbäckSejd 37-39;
Ldb 35 n. ad ch. 129;
Laxd XXXV 38-41 (cf. D2141), XXXVII 26-29;
GHrólf 318-19 ch. 28/
cf. StrömbäckSejd 100;
Bisk II 137-38 (cf. V41);
Huld no. 3.


Locks opened by magic.

cf. D1395.6;
Gróg 10;
GullÞ ch. 17;
Bisk I 440, 672, II 15;
ÞorstVík 400 ch. 7.


Provisions magically furnished.

cf. D1470;
Ldb 35 n. (= ÓláfTr ch. 127 in FMS I 252), and ch. 194/
cf. StrömbäckSejd 77;
Bisk I 119-20, 247, 316-17, 593-94, 595, 597, 600-01, 611, II 133, 141, 145;
BárðSn 14-17 ch. 8.


Multiplication of food by saint.

cf. D1766.1.8.
Bisk I 600-01.


Control of weather by saint's prayers.

cf. V52.
ÓláfTr ch. 211 in FMS II 178;
Sverr ch. 16 in Flb II 553;
ArnórK in Flb I 438-39 (FMS II 227-28);
Sturl I 228, 269, II 59;
Bisk I 119, 120, 121, 171, 172, 307, 308-09, 316, 459-61, 535, II 30;
cf. storm is calmed when bishop promises to acknowledge saint:
Orkn 132-33 ch. 57.


Storm produced by magic.

cf. D905;
Njála ch. 98;
Laxd ch. 35, XXXV 38-41;
cf. StrömbäckSejd 64;
ÓláfH ch. 9 in Hkr II 12, ch. 27 in FMS IV 44;
OddÓláfTr ch. 37 (29);
Rauðs þáttr in ÓláfTr ch. 150 in FMS I 302-03;
Skj II 7;
Bisk II 24 (cf. D1421.1.3);
Ys ch. 46;
Völs ch. 9, 17;
Nornag 59-60 ch. 5 (Flb I 351 = FAS I 324-25);
Finnb ch. 34;
ÖOdd 36-37, 49 (ch. X 1-5, FAS II 179-80, 515);
Friðþj V 10 VI/
cf. StrömbäckSejd 90;
KetilH 117 ch. 3;
GrímL 144 ch. 1;
ÞorstVík 435 ch. 19;
GHrólf 279-80, 318 ch. 16, 28;
HjÖlv 471 ch. 9;
HálfdBr 566 ch. 3;
Fertram ch. 9;
Saxo lib. I c. VIII 16, V c. II 4, IX c. IV 22, X c. IV 2.


Magical control of rivers.

cf. D1549.3.
Ldb ch. 335;
Sturl I 254;
Bisk I 469, II 36, 81.


Magic extinguishing of fires.

cf. D1566.2.
MagnúsB ch. 21 in Hkr III 259;
Bisk I 97, 271, 609, II 20-21.


Resuscitation by holy water.

cf. V132.
Bisk I 611, II 15-16, 182.


Resuscitation by saint.

deadborn child vivified when promised to saint:
 Suppl. to ÓláfH in FMS V 223; Bisk I 791;
man kept alive by saint's cloak
Bisk I 224-25, II 28.


Resuscitation by holy man (priest, etc.).

OddÓláfTr ch. 45 (34);
Bisk II 182;
Skj II 388.


Man kept alive by consecrated sword.

cf. by saint's cloak:
Bisk I 24-25, II 28.


Dead body incorruptible.

cf. D1585;
Laxd XXIV 28;
Svarfd ch. 32;
RagnarL ch. 18 (19) (FAS I 294);
Óláfr helgi:
Skj I 244, 300/
ÓláfH ch. 244-45 in Hkr II 517, ch. 228-29 in FMS V 105 ff./
HaraldH ch. 25, 80 in Hkr III 112, 193;
Knútr helgi:
Knytl ch. 77;
Ingimundr prestr:
Sturl I 153, Bisk I 435.
cf. Frotho:
Saxo lib. V c. XVI 3.


Malevolent return from the dead.

cf. E414.1.
Bisk II 109-10 (= I 598), 130;
Sturl I 335;
EiríkR ch. 6;
Saxo lib. I c. VII 3;
cf. Fritzner III 66:
Dehmer 26 ff.


Wandering ghost makes attack.

Bisk I 605-8, II 77-87/
cf. E425.1.7.


Return from dead to give counsel.

cf. E323.3.
MagnúsG ch. 27 in Hkr III 47 =
Geisli in Skj I 434, 441;
ÓláfH ch. 37 in FMS IV 58 =
ÓláfTr ch. 272 in FMS III 48;
ÓláfTr ch. 128, 227, 264 in FMS I 254, II 229 (= Flb I 439), III 22;
EiríkR ch. 63;
Hemings þáttr ch. 18 in Hb 336-37;
Þorsteins s. Síðuhallssonar in Austf 229;
GullÞ ch. 3;
HálfH ch. 15 (FAS II 49);
Bisk II 165-66: always in dream/
cf. F1068.5, J157;
Klare 7 ff.


Revenant as woman with seal's head.

Bisk I 605-8, II 77-87;
Sturl I 290:


Revenants banished.

Bisk I 206-7, 256-57.


Walking ghost »laid«.

Bisk I 605-08, II 77-87.


Ghost laid by raising a cross.

cf. E434.8;
Bisk I 607.


Ghost laid by consecrated water.

cf. V132.
Bisk II 109-10 (= I 598), 130.


Mass (church service) of the dead.

cf. E242.
cf. Bisk I 206-7, 256-57.


Souls of human beings seen in dream: as »fylgja« or »hamingja«.

cf. D1810.12;
Njála XXIII 12;
VígaGlúm ch. 9, 19;
Bisk II 230;
Sögubr 6 ch. 2 (FAS I 367);
Völs ch. 37 (35);
SturlSt 637-38 ch. 22;
DÞorstS 233 ff.;
MC 233 ff.


Soul in form of bird.

heilagr andi:
Bisk I 436, II 13;
cf. Sverr ch. 2 in Flb II 536;
GíslaS XXXIII 1-6;
Sögubr 10-12 ch. 3 (FAS I 371);
in dream:
Herv 8, 95 (FAS I 420, 517).


Soul in form of heavenly body.

cf. Bisk I 229.


Soul as light.

cf. E765.1.
cf. Bisk I 435, II 15.


Souls in hell.

cf. A671;
ÞorstSkelk 416-18 (FMS III 200-03);
Bisk I 451-54.


Life-token: track fills with blood.

cf. Bisk I 229.


Life bound up with light (fame).

cf. E742.
GíslaS ch. 21/
cf. Dehmer 108;
Bisk I 229.


Fairies visible only at certain times.

Bisk I 417.



Þiðr I 213;
RémK 276 ch. 56;
Bisk II 77.


Exorcising fairies.

cf. F302.6.
cf. Þórhalls þáttr knapps in Flb I 43941 (FMS II 229-32);
Bisk I 598.


Dwarfs live in stones.

cf. E481.3.2;
Alv 3;
Vsp 48;
Gylf ch. 7 (14);
Ys ch. 12;
Bisk II 78 (7);
Harð ch. 38;
ÁnB 327 ch. 1;
ÞorstVík 446 ch. 22;
(y.) Bósa 86, 109-11 ch. 6, 11;
Kristni ch. 2 =
ÞorvV in FMS I 261;
Sörla 275 (= FAS I 391 ch. 1);
ÞorstB 179 ch. 3;
Villif 29 ch.14;
Vilm 11 ch. 7;
ÞjJón 16, 31 (10, 20) ch. 6, 14;
Ector ch. 7;
Andr 19;
SamsF ch. 11;
KáraK 21, 61-62 ch. 9, 30-31;
cf. Fritzner I 274:


Dwarfs request that cow stable be moved because it is above their home and the seepage strikes their dining table.

cf. Bisk 171-72.


Malevolent mountain-men.

hand from mountain cuts fowler's rope:
Bisk I 599, II 111.


Failure to bless mountains gives mountain-men power.

cf. Bisk 1 599.


Extraordinary mountains and valleys - miscellaneous.

cf. mountain is consecrated in order to stop disasters:
Bisk II 110-11/
 cf. F460.4.4.


Blindness miraculously cured.

Njála ch. 106;
Skj X 244, 245, 301, 388, 433, 442, II 386 (horse);
ÓláfH ch. 237 in FMS V 120 (= Skj 1 245) and supplements in FMS V 222;
ÓláfK ch. 6 in Hkr III 230;
MagnúsB ch. 21 in Hkr III 259;
Bisk I 120, 336.


Two suns shine in sky.

Bisk I 417.


Many moons at the same time.

cf. D1812.
Bisk I 663;
Sturl I 304;
two moons an evil omen:
ÞorstS 224.


Sun darkened at death of holy person.

ÓláfH ch. 226 in Hkr II 487, 491/
cf. LiestølSF 60 ff.;
Bisk I 432;
Skjöld ch. 3.


Grass refuses to grow in certain spot.

cf. D1563;
Bisk I 674;
Orkn ch. 51;
Saxo lib. VIII c. VIII 8.


Object miraculously broken.

cf. silver cup miraculously divided:
Bisk II 127.


Witch exorcised by holy water.

Sturl I 230 =
Bisk I 464;
cf. of trolls:
ÓláfTr ch. 213 in FMS II 189, by Odd ch. 60 (48).


Devil in form of dog.

Bevers 264 ch. 35;
Bisk I 446.


Ordeal by hot iron.

Sturl I 56, 175, 289;
Bisk I 664;
 Fsk 75 ch. 15/
ÓláfTr ch. 27 in Hkr I 302, ch. 70 in FMS I 129, by Odd ch. 15;
ÓláfH ch. 135 in Hkr II 306;
MagnúsS ch. 19, 26 Hkr III 289;
IngaK ch. 15 in Hkr III 370;
Eindriða þáttr ok Erlings in FMS V 308;
ÞórNef in FMS V 319;
Sögubr ch. 4 in FMS XI 420;
Sverr ch. 53 in Flb II 587;
Fær ch. 43;
ÁsmVík 17 ch. 9;
Gering I 49;
Saxo lib. X c. XI 4.


Test of strength: lifting stone (fireplace, etc.).

cf. F624.
Grett XVI 18;
Bisk I 640;
Finnb ch. 36;
HálfH X 3 (FAS II 36), cf. XVI st. 57-58;
Bjarkarímur IV 31/
cf. HrólfKr 135-36;
FlóresS 122 ch. I 5/
cf. Bjarnason 1905 134;
Elgqvist 1928 71 ff.


Wisdom (knowledge) from dream.

cf. D1810.8;
AriÍ in ASB I ch. IV 2-3;
Njála XXIII 9-10, LXII 5-6;
Laxd ch. 48-49, 76;
GíslaS ch. 22, 24, 30, 33;
Hallfr ch. 9-11 (94, 115, 121, 129);
HrafnkelF ch. 1 =
Ldb ch. 329;
Fóstbr ch. 4, 23, 24;
Grœnlþ 277 ch. 2;
Flóam ch. 15, 20, 21;
Ldb 36 n. (> ÓláfTr ch. 128 in FMS I 254), 50 n., 119 n.;
ÓláfH ch. 112, 188 in Hkr II, ch. 107 in FMS IV 243-44, ch. 178 in FMS V 38;
Sighvats þáttr skálds and ÞórNef in FMS V 210, 319;
OddÓláfTr ch. 13 (9), 27(18);
ÓláfTr ch. 131 in FMS I 262 (= ÞorvV in FjÍsl 485; Kristni ch. 11 2-3), ch. 200, 219 in FMS II 147 (= Flb I 380), 212, ch. 279, 283 in FMS V 48, 57;
HaraldH ch. 28, 57 and MagnúsS ch. 31 in Hkr III 115, 152, 310;
MagnúsG ch. 51 in FMS VI 118(= HrafnþH in FjÍsl 249);
HaraldH ch. 6 in FMS VI 143, ch. 69 in Flb III 431 (= Þorsteins þáttr forvitna in FjÍsl 416-18);
Sverr ch. 6 in Flb II 542;
Knytl ch. 68, 117;
Orkn ch. 57;
Fær ch. 53;
Sturl I 227, 273;
Bisk I 114, 121, 258, 268, 302, 438, 444, 612, 624, 793, II 18-19, 88, 131;
Sögubr ch. 2, 3 (FAS I 367, 371-73);
EiríkV 34 ch. 4 (FAS III 670);
Þiðr II 283;
Dám 90 ch. 13;
Árm 59;
Gering I 18, 21, 22, 29, 36;
cf. LiestølUpph 147-48, 222-24;
Klare 1939 8.


Victim burned in his own house.

Akv 41/
Atlam 42-43 =
Völs ch. 8, 40 (38)/
Þiðr II 319;
Ldb ch. 6, 8, 12, 20, 79, 174, 264;
Njála CXXIX ff.;
Grett VII 6;
GíslaS III 3-6;
Band XII;
GullÞ ch. 10, 18;
Dropl ch.1;
HÞór ch. 9;
Ys ch. 14, 31, 36, 39, 40, 43;
HálfdS ch. 5 in Hkr I;
HaraldHárf ch. 2, 12, 34, 36 in Hkr I;
ÓláfTr ch. 43, 62 in Hkr I, ch. 4 in FMS IV 26;
IngaK ch. 6, by Odd ch. 58 (46);
ÓláfH ch. 169 in Hkr II, ch. 14 in FMS IV 26;
IngaK ch. 6, in FMS VII 214;
MagnúsErl ch. 11 in FMS VII 303, ch. 17, 19 in Hkr III;
Orkn ch. 28, 29, 35, 66, 73, 78, 84, 103, 113 ( 331);
Sturl I 192, 202, 238, 305-06, 401, II 189, 282;
þáttr frá Sigurði slefu in Flb I 20 (FMS III 87);
ÞorstUxaf in Flb I 255 (FMS III 119-20);
Þorsteins þáttr tjaldstœðings in Flb III 434-35 (FjÍsl 435);
Þorsteins draumr Síðu-Hallssonar in Austf 221;
Bisk I 664;
Herv 156, 160-61 (FAS I 509, 512 n.);
RagnarS 467 ch. 5 (FAS I 359);
HrólfKr 4, 14-17, 86 ch. 1, 3-4, 28 (FAS I ch. 1, 4-5, 43-44);
HálfH III 2. XII 37-46 (FAS II 27, 43-44);
Gautr 12-13 ch. 3 (FAS III 15-16);
HrólfG 70-72 ch. 42-43 (FAS III 181-84);
Friðþj V 9 (FAS II 72, 492);
GrímL 156 ch. 4;
ÁnB 342, 360-61 ch. 5, 7;
ÞorstVík 410, 432 ch. 11, 17;
GHrólf 312 ch. 27;
HálfdBr 584 ch. 13;
SturlSt 615-16 ch. 14 (prevented);
BárðSn 4, 19 ch. 2, 10;
Þiðr I 14-15;
ÞórðarH 98 ch. 6;
ÁsmS 13-14;
Hell 15-16, 45 ch. 9, 23;
FlóresS XXI ch. 22 163;
Amb 162-68 ch. 34 (33);
HaraldHr 267, 271;
AtlaÓ 15-16 ch. 12;
Stark 6-7, 51 ch. 2, 18;
Huld# no. 16.



cf. D1712;
VígaGlúm ch. 12;
Orkn ch. 36;
Bisk II 117;
Ljósv ch. 11 (21).


Unfavorable prophecies.

cf. M301.16.
Bisk I 774;
HálfH V 9 (FAS II 29);
threat that Mímir as dog is going to eat his brother's serpenthead:
Þiðr I 314;
Attila is going to live on barley-bread and water:
Þiðr II 369.


Prophecy: death from bite of stone lion. Man killed by scorpion concealed in the statue.

Bisk II 25;
Gering I 86.


Invisible guardian.

cf. E748.
Bisk II 175-76.


Saint (pious man) as helper.

cf. V221.
ÞorstUxaf 259-60 (FMS III 127-3,
FjÍsl 459-461);
Ömundar þáttr dytts ok Gunnars helmings in Flb 338 (FMS II 75, FjÍsl 521-22);
Bisk II 111, 137-38, 179-80, 185.


One friend dies shortly after the other.

cf. H1558.3;
Bisk II 163;
Gering I 16;
on the same time:
Saxo lib. XI c.IX 1-4;
cf. king kills self hearing of friend's death:
Saxo lib. I c. VIII 27/
Herrm 96.


Hospitality repaid by magic procuring of provisions.

cf. D2105.
Bisk I 59l-95, 600-02, II 133, 145.


Punishment for opposition to holy person.

Bisk I 170, 242-43.


Attempted seduction punished.

Bisk II 227-28.


Hanging as punishment for theft (plundering).

Knytl ch. 40;
Sturl I 235;
Bisk I 224;
GHrólf 300, 301 ch. 23;
Bósa 13, 97 ch. 4, 8 (FAS III 200);
Þiðr I 111;
VilhSj 20 ch. 9;
Flov 147-48, 151, 159, 194 ch. 19, 21, 23, 14;
Bevers 226 ch. 14;
Gering I 236;
Saxo lib. V c. XII =
Herrm 471.


Punishment: beheading.

cf. S139.2.
Bisk I 674, 776;
Sturl I 288, 315, II 44;
Jómsv ch. 52 (36);
IngaK ch. 13 in FMS VII 227;
Þiðr I 27;
Bæring 122 ch. 33;
GunnarK 240-41.


Punishment: banishment (exile).

cf. P12.8.
Fóstbr ch. 23;
MagnúsS ch. 29 in Hkr III 307;
MagnúsBl ch. 16 in Hkr III 346;
Orkn ch. 92;
Sturl I 102, 289;
Bisk I 492, 502, 776;
HrólfG 52 ch. 31 (FAS III 151);
Þiðr II 173-79;
Villif 23 ch. 12;
cf. Dehmer 77 ff.:
 »útilegumannasögur«; * etc.


Prodigy as punishment.

OddÓláfTr ch. 40 (31);
HaraldH ch. 56 in Hkr III 152 Bisk II 116-18;
GHrólf 318 ch. 28.


Mysterious death as punishment for false judging.

cf. Gering 70 ff. no. XIX:
 »Af ágirnd Absalons erkibiskups ok af einum bónda« /
FMS XI 44-1.


Punishments in hell.

cf. V511.2.
Vsp 39 in BuggeE 7/
Sól 57-68 in BuggeE 366/
MC 319;
OddÓláfTr ch. 13 (9);
ÞorstSkelk 416-17 (FMS III 202);
Bisk I 451-54, II 9-11.


Magic paralysis as punishment for scorning of bishop remitted.

Bisk I 357.


Rescue by saint.

cf. E366;
Geisli st. 28, 54 in Skj B I 434, 441 =
MagnúsG ch. 27-28 in Hkr III 47-49;
HákonH ch. 21 in Hkr III 430;
Knytl ch. 22;
Bisk I 210-12, 672;
BárðSn 43 ch. 20.


Escape from prison.

cf. D2165.
Bisk II 108;
Harð ch. 17;
ÖOdd 108-11 (ch. XXXII 7);
EgÁsm VIII 5-9/
cf. Úlf 227;
JarlmH 41 ch. 23;
Saxo lib. I c. VI 7-9 =
Herrm 101.


Murder by hanging.

cf. J162;
ÞorstVík 438 ch. 19;
Bisk II 114;
ÓláfH ch. 73 in FMS IV 145;
Ys ch. 19;
Þiðr II 95;
Úlf 163.


Mutilation: cutting off hands (arms).

Eyrb XVIII 16, XX 1, XXIII 6, LXII 6;
Grett IV 9, XXIII 3, XXIV 4, LXV 5;
Njála LXIII 20, LXXII 9, CXLVI 16, CL 18, CLVII 22;
Reykd ch. 13, 23;
GullÞ ch. 15;
ÓláfH ch. 233 in Hkr II, ch. 73 in FMS IV 151;
IngaK ch. 7 in Hkr III, ch. 8 in FMS VII 217· Sturl I 203, 279, 288, II 35, 39, 181;
Bisk I 64;
ÞorstUxaf 255 (FMS III 118; FjÍsl 450);
HrómH 414 (FMS III 150; FjÍsl 162; ÍslF VIII 314 ch. 5);
RagnarS 467 ch. 5 (FAS I 359);
Sögubr 23 ch. 9 (FAS I 385);
HálfdE XX 2 (FAS III 549);
EgÁsm III 3, XI 3-8 (FAS III 368, 38-89);
ÞorstVík 456 ch. 25;
HjÖlv 481, 484 ch. 12;
Þiðr I 27, II 215, 283;
ÞórðarH 103 ch. 8;
FlóresS VIII 6, XIII 8;
Amb 156, 182 ch. 30 (29), 39 (38);
Vald 62 ch. 1;
Vígk 13 ch. 4;
FlóresB XXIII 5;
ÚlfU ch. 4;
GunnarK 245;
Andr 77, 81.


Mutilation: cutting off legs (feet).

cf. G512.6;
Njála V 15, XLV 14, LXXII 8, LXXXII 21, XCIX 4, CXXIX 14, CXLVI23, CLI 12-13;
Dropl ch. 15;
VígaGlúm ch. 4;
Eyrb XVIII 21, 27, XLV 12;
Eg XLV 6, LXIV 43;
Reykd ch. 13;
Heiðarvíga ch. 30;
GullÞ ch. 18-19;
GunnlO 102 ch. 12 (22 and XVI 9);
Laxd XLIX 16;
Ldb ch. 200, 209;
Bisk I 64, 674;
Grett II 7, XII 11, XLIII 7;
ÓláfH ch. 228 in Hkr II 493, ch. 73 in FMS IV 151;
MagnúsS ch. 31 in Hkr III 310;
Sturl I 203, 288, 315, 317, 358, 363, 398, 441, II 34, 129, 184, 201, 219;
Fær ch. 18, 54;
Flóam ch. 17;
HaraldG ch. 9 in FMS VII 185;
Gautr 21 ch. 4 (FAS III 24);
Bósa 60 ch. 15 (FAS III 231);
GrímL 154 ch. 3;
KetilH 126 ch. 4;
GHrólf 303-04, 328, 329, 343, 344 ch. 24, 31, 33;
BárðSn 35 ch. 16;
ÞorstUxaf 251 (FMS III 110-11, FjÍsl 443);
Harð ch. 39;
Þiðr II 28;
FlóresB XXIII 5;
ÞórðarH 96-97 ch. 3-4;
Sigþ 179 ch. 28;
VilhSj 35, 102, 107, 116 ch. 18, 44, 48, 53;
Hell 50 ch. 27, 28;
Vald 62 ch. 1;
HringH 8, 11, 42 ch. 3, 4, 17;
Úlf 172, 216;
Ector ch. 9;
GunnarK 238, 245;
Andr 77;
Saxo lib. VIII c. X 9, cf. lib. I c. VIII 4;cf. the sword-name Fótbítr:
Laxd ch. XXIX ff./
Dropl ch. 13/
Vápnf ch. 2;
the sword-name Leggbítr:
MagnúsB ch. 35 in FMS VII 69, ch. 24-25 in Hkr III 263;
 Liestøl Upph 154.


Mutilation: breaking (two, three) ribs.

cf. F624.3.1.
Bisk II 118;
SörlaSt 424 ch. 8;
HálfdE XII 12 (FAS III 536);
EgÁsm XII 10 (FAS III 391);
Þiðr I 362;
OrmSt 521 (FMS III 206);
FlóresS XV 2;
Bæring 89, 96 ch. 5, 14.


Childbirth assisted by magic.

cf. D1501.
Oddr 1 ff.;
Bisk I 615-16, II 167;
Skj II 386-87.


Confession brings healing.

Bisk I 121;
cf. suppl. to ÓláfH in FMS V 218-19.


Host miraculously given when it is refused a man by the priest.

Bisk II 229 = Gering I 92.


Masses work miracles.

kills fox, »melrakki«:
Bisk II 137-38.


Sign of the cross.

cf. D1361.41;
Hallfr 93;
ÓláfTr ch. 213, 216 in FMS III 184, 206;
Bisk II 20, 35, 95;
Yngv 40.


Holy water.

cf. D1500.1.18.3;
Skj II 386-88, 442;
Bisk I 418, 446, 609, II 79, 110, 129, 130, 135, 176-78, 180, 182, 185, 247-49.


Sacred wells.

cf. D1500.1.1;
Bisk I 595, 606, 616, II 18, 130;
Vries 101;
MC 214.


Stone or wooden crosses.

Ldb ch. 147 (97, 84), 304 (257, 221);
Bisk I 607-08, II 81, 87-88;
Skj I 379;
cf. Fritzner II 251-53.


Miraculous healing by saint.

cf. D1500.1.9.2;
Sturl I 229;
ÓláfH ch. 189, 240, 245 in Hkr II 437, 514, 521, ch. 179, 261 in FMS V 39, 153, suppl. in FMX V 214;
HaraldH ch. 57 in Hkr III 152;
MagnúsB ch. 22 in Hkr III 260;
MagnúsS ch. 30 in Hkr III 309;
IngaK ch. 24-25 in Hkr III 382-85;
Knytl ch. 77 (FMS XI 308);
Þórhalls þáttr knapps in Flb I 439-41 (FMS II 229-32);
EgilSíðuH in Flb II 145 (FMS V 325-26, FjÍsl 20-21);
Bisk I 97, 115-24, 178-202, 208-09, 251-56, 259-60, 304 ff., 357, 438, 451, 456-61, 606-07, 611, 613-18, 644, II 20, 22-29, 79, 95, 157, 168-75, 172-73;
BárðSn 38 ch. 18;
worm taken out of woman:
 Hemings þáttr ch. 16 in Hb 334-36;
Gering I 59.


Relics of saint cure disease.

Orkn ch. 52, 56-57;
Bisk II 89, cf. 145-46.


Saint restores dumb man's speech.

cf. D1507.
Skj I 433, 436, 437;
ÓláfH ch. 261 in FMS V 153, suppl. 222;
ÓláfK ch. 6 in Hkr III 230;
Bisk I 469-70.


Miraculous manifestation acclaims saint.

cf. F1061.
Bisk II 39;
Gering I 46/
cf. D1622.


Marvelous light accompanying saint.

cf. F1061.
Sturl I 228, 229;
ÓláfH ch. 18 in FMS IV 32;
OddÓláfTr ch. 51 (38);
Sunnifa's head:
ÓláfTr ch. 107 in FMS I 228, by Odd ch. 30 (21);
Bisk I 460, II 15, 29;
BárðSn 43 ch. 20;
cf. miraculous light on saint's corpse:
Skj I 432 =
ÓláfH ch. 222 in FMS V 98.


Church bells ring without aid of human hands at death of holy person.

Sturl II 41, 491;
at bishop's funeral:
Bisk II 158.


Saints have miraculous knowledge.

cf. D1812;
Bisk I 566-67, 570, 807, II 14, 104, 136-37, 146-48, 156, 186.


Saint banishes snakes.

cf. D2176.1.
cf. bishop banishes mice:
Bisk I 205-06, 271, 293.


Mortal visited by angel.

Bisk II 153;
Gering I 303-05.


The Virgin Mary.

Bisk I 438, 793, II 18-19, 131, 151-55, 167;
Dám 90-107 ch. 13-18;
forces devils to disguise as monks and give shelter to monks who have lost their way in the forest:
Gering I 147.


Virgin Mary defends innocent accused.

Bisk I 793.


Miracle manifested to non-believers.

cf. M420.
Eyrb ch. 51-55;
Bisk II 182;
Flov 194 ch. 13.


Charity rewarded.

Bisk I 593-95, II 133-35, 140-41, 144-45.


Taking clerical vows heals disease.

cf. Bisk I 791.


Religious Visions.

Bisk II 229.