Medieval Scandinavian Motif Database

Bibliography for: Gibbon

Gibbons saga, ed. R. I. Page in Editiones Arnamagnæanæ, Series B, Vol. 2 1960.

Works with this reference:


Golden bird.

Gibbon ch. 1.


Giant hare.

cf. F531.1.8;
Gibbon 79 ch. 14.


Transformation to likeness of another person.

cf. D658.2.
Völs ch. 29 (27);
ÞorstVík 431-32 ch. 17;
EgÁsm XIII 8, XV 6;
Gibbon 10 ch. 3 (angle, devil).


Transformation: man to wolf.

cf. E731.9;
Gylf ch. 36 (50);
Völs 15 ch. 8;
Álafl IV 3, VIII 3 ff.;
JónL 10 in ZDPh XXVI 16-17;
Gibbon 88 ch. 17;
Schlauch 83.


Transformation by means of magic stone.

NikL ch. 8;
Gibbon ch. 3.


Magic harp.

cf. K515.2.
Bósa 43 ch. 11-12 (FAS III 220-23);
SigrgV ch. 5 ff.;
Gibbon ch. 2, 4.


Magic stone gives magic sight.

Nitida 25 ch. 5;
Gibbon ch. 3.


Magic stone represses lust.

Gibbon 8 ch. 2.


Magic object renders person helpless.

cf. Gróg 9;
magic cloth makes girl helpless against lovers:
 Dinus 60-65;
Magic veil renders helpless against lovers:
Gibbon ch. 2.


Magic transportation by carpet (cloth).

EgÁsm XV 2, 16-20 (FAS III 397, 399);
SigrgFr ch. 7/
ViktorBl 38-39 ch. 12;
Gibbon 4 ch. 1;
cf. Lagerholm 68.


Mountain of Venus.

cf. R10.4.
cf. Gibbon ch. 6.


Fairies carry people away to fairyland.

cf. F131.1.
Gibbon ch. 1 ff.


Helpful dwarfs.

cf. D812.12;
EgÁsm XVII 6 (FAS III 403);
Koðrán's »spámaðr«:
Kristni II 2-3/
ÞorvV in FMS I 261-64 (FjÍsl 483-87);
(y.) Bósa 86, 92-93, 109-14, 137-38 ch. 6-7, 11-12, 18;
Sindri rescues from prison:
ÞorstVík 396-98, 457 ch. 5-6. 25;
Möndull gives advice, etc.:
GHrólf 315-16 ch. 28;
dwarf hides abducted girl:
SamsF ch. 10-13;
Svamr brings ring back to its owner (cf. F451.5.2.2), helps building causeway, etc.:
ÞjJón 32 (21) ch. 13;
Tosti helps in war:
Amb 146-56 ch. 28-30 (27-29 in Reyk. ed.);
Dínus (or Dímus) helps in fight:
 ViktorBl in Bósa intr. lxv and ZDPh XXVI 12: ;
dwarfs show beautiful queen and help to gain her:
Gibbon ch. 3 ff./
 Nitiða ch. 4 ff.;
KáraK 21, 61, 71, 80 ch. 9, 30-31, 35, 39.


Dwarfs serve mortals.

Gibbon ch. 3 ff.


Hair so long that girl can cover herself with it.

cf. F531.;
GunnlO 60 ch. 4 (V 13);
Gibbon ch. 2;
Vald 57 ch. 1.


Abandon castle.

HrólfG ch. 13 in FAS III 100;
Þiðr I 223-28;
Part 5-24;
Gibbon 2.


Decision by single combat or holmgang of who is to marry girl.

cf. F610. ;
Sól 14 in BuggeE 359;
GunnlO 92 ch. 11 (22 in SUGNL, XIV 21-XVI ed. Mogk);
GíslaS II 13-25;
Reykd ch. 13;
ÓláfTr ch. 32 in Hkr, ch. 80 in FMS I 150, by Odd ch. 17 (11);
ÖOdd 100 (XXIX 14; FAS II 215);
FundNo in Flb I 220 (FAS II 20);
KetilH 125, 132, 136 ch. 4, 5;
ÞorstVík 388, 430 ch. 3-4, 16;
GHrólf 246-47 ch. 3 ff.;
HjÖlv 463-69 ch. 6-7;
SturlSt 598-610 ch. 6-10;
SigFót 1003-04;
Vígl 55 ch. 5;
Kjaln ch. 9;
Hell 52-53 ch. 30;
HálfdB 3 ch. 2;
HéðinH ch. 5;
RémK 38-41 ch. 9;
Vilm ch. 21;
Vígk ch. 1, 8;
Stark 4 ch. 1;
Part 21 ff.;
Gibbon ch. 7, 9;
Saxo lib. I c. III 3.


Suitor test: to defeat bride in harping.

Gibbon 15-16, 47-49 ch. 4, 8.


Heads placed on stakes for failure in performance of task.

cf. P555.2;
Vilm ch. 3;
Gibbon 23 ch. 6.


Disguise as monk.

ÓláfTr ch. 399 in Flb I 509 =
HallþSn in FMS III 158;
Gibbon ch. 13;
the girl Marina:
Gering I 149.


Lover masks as ancharite to reach sweetheart.

NikL 49-56 ch. 14-15;
Gibbon ch. 13.


Vow to marry a certain woman.

HHj 171, 176;
Ldb ch. 6 (= ÓláfTr ch. 116 in FMS I 237);
Flóam ch. 2;
Svarfd ch. 19;
Herv 5, 94 (FAS I 417-18, 515-16);
Völs ch. 25 (24);
HálfdE VIII 10-15 (FAS III 530-31);
KetilH 125 ch. 4;
Friðþj V 8;
Þiðr II 38-39;
ÞjJón 12 ch. 3;
Gibbon 25-26 ch. 6;
Mágus 156 ch. 66.


Father-son combat. Neither knows who the other is.

cf. J675.1;
ÁnB 357-59 ch. 7;
Þiðr II 347-51;
Gibbon ch. 23;
Saxo lib. VII c. IX 12-16.
cf. Wolff 1942 54-63;
Schlauch 113.


Adventures from pursuing enchanted animal (hind, boar, bird).

Herv 92 (FAS I 414);
GHrólf 273-77, 283-84 ch. 15-16;
HjÖlv 471 ch. 9;
EgÁsm VI 2-5, cf. n. (FAS III 374);
Þiðr II 292-94;
SigrgV ch. 5;
HringH 11-13 ch. 5;
Fertram ch. 2;
SamsF ch. 10;
Part 3 ff.;
Gibbon ch. 1;
cf. ESveinsson 1929 xxxiii;
Reuschel 111.


Hospitality for a whole winter (by king or nobleman usual in old Scandinavia).

cf. H1219.7;
OrmSt in Flb I 531 (FMS III 219, FjÍsl 219-20);
Tóka 135-37 (FMS V 299-302);
Sneglu in Flb III 416-17 (FMS VI 361, FjÍsl 281);
Finnb ch. 19;
HrólfKr 43-44 ch. 15 (FAS I 44);
GHrólf 262-65, 321 ch. 9, 29;
HálfdE VII-VIII (FAS III 528-31);
EgÁsm II 7-9 (FAS III 367);
Yngv 15-16, 17-18;
ÁsmS 11-12;
ÞjJón ch. 2;
Kóngab 22-23;
HéðinH 10 ch. 5;
Þorgr ch. 2;
Gibbon 33 ch. 7;
RémK 53 ch. 14.


Love at first sight.

Skírn 90;
HálfdBr 585 ch. 14;
HálfdE VIII 14 (FAS III 531);
Þiðr II 52-60, 106;
Vígl 53 ch. 4;
FlóresS IV 5-8, XI 3-6;
HaraldHr 265 ff.;
NikL 31 ch. 10;
Gibbon 25 ch. 6;
Mágus 172 ch. 77.


Maiden queen prefers to fight instead of marrying. She usually scorns or even kills her suitors or sets them difficult tasks.

cf. F565;
Völs ch. 25 (24);
Bósa 68-76 ch. 2-3, cf. introd. iii;
HrólfG 10 ff. ch. 6-9 (FAS III 68-69, 80-86);
Álafl VI 2-VIII 2;
FlóresS XXVI 11-XXVII 2;
SigrgFr 49-63 ch. 3-6;
Sigþ 102 ch. 3;
NikL 31 ch. 10;
ViktorBl 36, ch. 12;
Nitida 18 ch. 3;
Gibbon 23 ch. 6;
Wahlgren 10 ff.;
Saxo lib. IV c. I 12/
cf. Herrm 292;
Reuschel 91.


Magic sickness (discomfort) prevents lover from raping woman.

cf. D2064.
Amb 44 ch. 9;
Gibbon ch. 7.


Hero lies by princess in magic sleep and begets child.

cf. H81.
Gibbon ch. 13-14;
cf. Sigþ 202-10, 228 ch. 34-36, 43.


Warrior retires into monastery in his old days.

cf. P16.1;
Sturl II 65;
ÓláfTr ch. 78 (65) =
ÓláfTr ch. 283 in FMS III 56-62;
HaraldG ch. 15 in FMS VII 196;
Knytl ch. 100, 106;
Orkn ch. 75;
ÞorvV in Flb I 273 (FMS I 275, FjÍsl 499, 502);
Hernings þáttr ch. 23 in Hb 348-49;
Þiðr II 387-89;
JarlmH 43 ch. 24;
NikL 38 ch. 10;
Gibbon 114;
Mágus 170 ch. 75, cf. 174 ch. 78;
Vries 1955 17 ff.