Medieval Scandinavian Motif Database

Bibliography for: HaraldH

Haralds saga harðráða, in Heimskringla Snorra Sturlusonar, ed. Finnur Jónsson III, p. 74-224, ; and Fornmanna Sögur VI 125-432.

Works with this reference:


Raven as bird of ill-omen (fighting).

Reg 20;
HHu I 5;
Ldb ch. 216;
Skj I 122;
Sturl I 521, II 233, 244;
HaraldH ch. 80 in Hkr III 193, ch. 114 in FMS VI 402 (dream);
ÓláfrTr ch. 331 in Flb I 412 =
Hrómundar þáttr halta ch. 5 (FMS III 148).


Eagle as bird of ill-omen.

Omen of fighting (cf. B147.2.1.2):
HaraldH ch. 80 in Hkr III.


Transformation: bread to stone, as punishment.

HaraldH ch. 56 in Hkr III;
ÓláfH ch. 251 in FMS V 140;
Skj I 436.


Magic storm (»gerningahríð«, »galdrahrið«, »kyngiveðr«).

cf. D1541;
Eyrb XL 12-16;
Gullp ch. 3;
Bisk II 118;
Vígl 63 ch. 11;
HrólfKr ch. 34 (FAS I 108);
ÖOdd 36-39 (ch. X 1-7; FAS II 179-80, 515-16);
GrímL 144 ch. 1;
KetilH 117 ch. 3;
ÞorstVík 435 ch. 19;
HrólfG ch. 22 (FAS III 122-23);
GHrólf 279-82, 317-18 ch. 16, 28;
SörlaSt 410-16 ch. 2-4;
HjÖlv 471 ch. 9;
HalfdBr 568-71 ch. 4-5;
(y.) Bósa 94 ch. 7;
Friðþj ch. 5-6 (FAS II 72-81, 492-94);
Nornag ch. 5 in Flb I 351 (FAS I 324-25);
Helgaþ 360-61 (FMS III 137, 139);
FlóresS II 6-7;
VilhSj 10 ch. 5 (ZDPh XXVI 6);
HaraldHr 271;
Þorgr 23 ch. 5;
Kóngab 7-8, 16-17;
SkaldH 18 ch. 6;
Saxo lib. I c. VII 1;
Reuschel 111;
Dehmer 92.


Magic love-philtre.

HaraldHárf ch. 24 in Hkr I 133 =
Ágrip ch. 3 in FMS X 379;
Dínus 42-44;
KáraK 63 ch. 31;
Saxo lib. V c. I 8, 10 and III 30, 31;
Hb 168 l. 18-20/
cf. Reichborn-Kjennerud 1934 147.


Magic bag renders invisible.

cf. D1410.7.
Vald 66-69 ch. 1-2;
ashes or mist from bag:
 cf. ÓláfH ch. 129 in FMS IV 301/
HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 146/
SigrgV 166 ch. 18/
 cf. R236.


Sleeping potions drink causes magic sleep.

ÞorstVík 394 ch. 5;
ViktorBl 36 ch. 12;
SigrgFr 58 ch. 5;
SaulusN 52 ch. 21;
NikL 61 ch. 16;
HaraldHr rímur in PSASS II 267;
Dínus in Schlauch 93.


Magic banner assures victory.

HaraldH ch. 22 in Hkr III 105.



cf. D1817.0.1;
Grett XXXII 3: Skapti and Þóroddr;
Vatnsd ch. 18-26: Hrolleifr and his mother Ljót;
Finnb ch. 29;
ÓláfTr ch. 62/
HaraldHárf ch. 34 in Hkr I 374, 149;
Ys ch. 7, 22;
HrólfKr ch. 1 (FAS I 5-6);
ÖOdd 170-71, 178-81 (ch. XLI 10, XLIII 4-7; FAS II 282, 286-87, 553-55);
ÞorstVík 390, 399 ch. 3, 7;
GHrólf 242 ch. 3;
BárðSn 13, 39 ch. 6, 18;
cf. FJónsson 1892 5-28;
MC 299;
Vries 67, 71;
StrömbäckSejd 39 ad Ys/
StrömbäckSejd 45 ad ÓláfTr/
StrömbäckSejd 142 ff.


Odin as magician.

cf. A471.
Sigrdr 13 in BuggeE 230;
GHrólf 237 n.;
HaraldHr 266-67;
MC 45, 296;
Herrm 239/
Saxo lib. III c. IV 4/
cf. D1355.19.


Finns (or Fins or »Bjarmar«) as magicians.

Vatnsd ch. 10;
HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 145;
ÓláfH ch. 9 Hkr II 12 and ch. 27, 44 in FMS IV 44, 71;
ÓláfTr ch. 204 in FMS II 167, by Odd ch. 19 (13), 45 (34);
HálfdS ch. 4 in FMS X 170;
Ágrip ch. 2 in FMS X 378;
Skj I 243;
ÖOdd 34-37 (ch. X ff.; FAS II 178-80, 241-42, 514-16);
KetilH 118 ch. 3;
HálfdE XV 8, XX 2 ff. (FAS III 540, 549);
SturlSt 613 ch. 12;
SörlaSt 445-46 ch. 20;
Andr 8;
Vries 65;
Reuschel 110;
Herrm 372/
Saxo lib. V c. XIII 1.


Future revealed in dream.

cf. D1810.8;
AriÍ ch. IV 2-3;
Njála CXII 1, CXXXIII, CXXXIV 22, CLVII 35 ff.;
Vatnsd XXXVI 4;
Laxd XXXI 12-14, XXXIII 48-49, LXXIV 2-4, LXXVI 21;
GíslaS XIII 1, XIV 7, XXI 7-9, XXIII 2-6, XXIX 6-10, XXXII, XXXIII 1-6;
Vápnf in Austf ch. XIII;
VígaGlúm ch. 9, 21;
Fóstbr ch. 1, 11;
Hávarð ch. 20;
Heiðarvíga 26;
Ljósv ch. 11 (21), 16 (26);
BjörnHít ch. 25, 26, 32;
GunnlO ch. 2, 11 (15, 120);
Bisk I 109, 294, 423, 473-74, 647, 662, 823, II 8, 39, 48, 53, 225-26;
Skj I 113, 164, 188, 281, II 222 ff.;
Sturl I 28, 256, 258-59, 269, 303-04, 409, 432, 508, 514, 516, II 91, 150;
ÓláfH ch. 18, 214 in Hkr II 25, 470, ch. 37 in FMS IV 58;
HaraldH ch. 80-82 in Hkr III 193 ff.;
MagnúsS ch. 25 Hkr III 298, ch. 20 in Jöfraskinna Hkr III 502;
HálfdS ch. 6-7 in Hkr I 93, ch. 2-3 in FMS X 169-70;
Flóam ch. 23, 24;
SigJórs ch. 46 in FMS VII 163;
Sverr ch. 1, 5, 10, 42 in FMS VIII (Flb II 535-37, 571);
Rauðúlfs þáttr in FMS V 333 (Flb II 294);
Óláfs þáttr Geirstaðaálfs in FMS V X 210 (Flb II 6 ff.);
Völs ch. 26 (25) (cf. LiestølUpph 165), 35 (33), 37 (35)/
cf. Guðr II 39-44/
Atlam 14-17, 26, 28 in BuggeE 272, 294, 296;
Sögubr 10-12 (FAS I 371);
Friðþj VI 17;
Ásm ch. 6, 8, 10 (FAS II 474-75, 483, 487);
BárðSn 2 ch. 1;
Hemings þáttr ch. 18 in Hb 336-37;
Amb ch. 17, 21;
Draumr Þorsteins Síðu-Hallssonar in AusfS 223-29;
Saxo lib. I c. VIII 23;
cf. woman is »berdreym«:
VestfjGr 168;
MC 311-12;
Henzen 1890;
Larsen 1917 37-85;
Kersbergen 151 ff.;
Klare 1933 10 ff.;
Kelchner 1935;
Schlauch 71;
Dehmer 105;
Heinzel 53.


Dream by a (pregnant) woman about fate of her unborn child.

cf. M311;
Harðar ch. 6;
Bisk I 790;
Jómsv ch. 4 (2);
HaraldHárf ch. 42 in Hkr I 162;
Sverr ch. 1 in FMS VIII 7 and Flb II 535;
Saxo lib. IX c. XI 4;
Mágus 171 ch. 76;
SigrgV 138-39 ch. 9.


Wound healed only by person who gave it (or by member of his family).

Álafl XII 3/
cf. Lagerholm lxv-vi;
HaraldHr 268-69.


Dead body incorruptible.

cf. D1585;
Laxd XXIV 28;
Svarfd ch. 32;
RagnarL ch. 18 (19) (FAS I 294);
Óláfr helgi:
Skj I 244, 300/
ÓláfH ch. 244-45 in Hkr II 517, ch. 228-29 in FMS V 105 ff./
HaraldH ch. 25, 80 in Hkr III 112, 193;
Knútr helgi:
Knytl ch. 77;
Ingimundr prestr:
Sturl I 153, Bisk I 435.
cf. Frotho:
Saxo lib. V c. XVI 3.


Revenant forced away by fire.

cf. E434.9.
HaraldH ch. 6 in FMS VI 143;
a fire from flints as safeguard against demons:
Saxo lib. VIII c. XV 7 =
Herrm 592, 601.


Remarkable hair.

HaraldHárf ch. 23 in Hkr I 130/
cf. M121.


Warrior of special strength (berserk).

cf. F1041.8.6;
Gylf ch. 33 (49);
Eg ch. 1;
Svarfd ch. 7;
VígaGlúm ch. 6, 22;
GullÞ ch. 3;
HaraldHárf ch. 9, 12, 18 in Hkr I;
Ys ch. 6;
HrólfKr 36 ch. 14 ff.;
Sögubr 17 ch. 8 (FAS I 379);
ÖOdd 66-67 (ch. XIX, FAS II 194-95, 526);
HálfdE XII 3 (FAS III 534);
GHrólf 322, 326-27, 330 ch. 30, 31;
HrómGr 368 ch. 4;
Þiðr I 36;
Fertram ch. 4-5;
Saxo lib. VII c. II 7-11 etc.;
cf. Vries 142;
Maurer II 101-19;
Güntert 1912;
Reuschel 68.


Hero's precocious strength.

cf. T585.
Hero remarkably strong already one day old:
HHu I st. 6;
twelve months old:
Þiðr I 303;
three years old:
ÖOdd 126-27 (FAS II 241-43);
seven years old:
ÖOdd 126-27 (FAS II 241)/
ÞorstUxaf 252 (FMS III 113)/
OrmSt 521 (FMS III 205);
nine years old:
Flóam ch. 11/
ÁnB 327 ch. 1/
Yngv 6/
Þiðr I 73, 305, 308;
ten years old:
ÖOdd 133 (FAS II 251-52);
twelve years old:
SnE Prol. ch. 3/
HálfdS ch. 5/
HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 90, 144/
Eyrb XLIV 11/
Eg XI 12/
Laxd XVI 21, LIX 5/
GunnlO 59 ch.4 (V 7)/
Band 295/
HrólfKr 27-28, 54 ch. 9, 20 (FAS I ch. 12, 28)/
Herv 147 (FAS I 496; Skj II A 254)/
RagnarS ch. 5 (FAS I 358)/
HálfH X 1 (cf. 3), XVI st. 68 (FAS II 35, 56)/
ÖOdd 9 (ch. I 18; FAS II 506)/
ÁnB 327 ch. 1/
HjÖlv 459 ch. 4/
HálfdBr 568 ch. 4/
EgÁsm VI 2, 6, IX (FAS III 374, 375, 382)/
 cf. Lagerholm 41 n./
BárðSn 1, 19 ch. 1, 10/
ÞórðarH 96 ch. 4/
Þiðr I 32, 73-74, 133-34, II 84, 323/
OrmSt 521/
ÞorstUxaf 256 (FMS III 120; FjÍsl 452)/
FlóresS XXI 12/
Kirial 92/
NikL 4 ch. 1/
HringT 9-11/
KáraK 56 ch. 28/
Stark 5, 8 ch. 1, 3/
Herrm 69;
thirteen years old:
HálfH IX 3 (FAS II 35)/
BárðSn 2 ch. 1/
FlóresS XXII 15;
fourteen years old:
Bósa 7-8, 78-80 ch. 3, 4 (FAS III 196-97)/
Kirial 92/
Villif 4-5 ch. 3;
fifteen years old:
HHu I 10/
Flóam ch. 6, 9, 12/
 Hrómundar þáttr halta 312 ch. 5 in ÍslF/
Völs ch. 8 (BuggeE 180)/
Sögubr 13 ch. 4 (FAS I 374)/
RagnarL 119, 196 ch. 3 (2) st. 1 (FAS I 240)/
Skj II B 251;
ÖOdd 9 (ch. I 18; FAS II 506);
ÞorstVík 388 ch. 2;
SörlaSt 409, 428 ch. 1, 11;
HjÖlv 454 ch. 1;
Þiðr I 74;
ÁsmVík 9, 40 ch. 5, 20;
VilhSj 5 ch. 2;
SigrgV ch. 19;
ÁsmS 5b-v;
FlóresS XX 5 154;
Villif 21 ch. 12;
SamsF ch. 18;
ÞjJón 1 ch. 1;
Andr 2;
Saxo lib. I c. III 1, lib. VII c. X 11 =
Herrm 69;
sixteen years old:
Flóam ch. 12;
Villif 4-5 ch. 3;
GunnarK 242;
ParmesL 4 ch. 2;
Mars 4 ch. 2;
eighteen years old:
Flóam ch. 2;
ÁnB 327 ch. 2;
Dám 54 ch. 3;
nineteen years old:
Úlf 137;
twenty years old:
ParmesL 4-5 ch. 2-3;
Vígk ch. 2.


Man who is too heavy for any horse walks faster than horsebock-riders.

cf. F610.7.
GHrólf 249 ch. 4/
cf. HaraldHárf ch. 24 in Hkr I 131;
Hreiðars þáttr halta in Msk 131-32, FMS VI 210-11 (FjÍsl 155).


Dress of raw fur. Cat-fur, mouse-fur, or other undressed fur.

cf. D1381.3.
HaraldHárf in FMS V 179;
ÓláfH ch. 193, 228 in Hkr II 440-41, 492, ch. 182 in FMS V 42;
RagnarL ch. 3 (2).


Sword cuts everything.

Reg 215 =
Völs ch. 15;
HaraldHárf ch. 40 in Hkr I 159: Kvernbítr;
Herv 11, 99 (FAS I 425, 426 n.);
Nornag 57 ch. 4 (FAS I 322, Flb I 350);
ÖOdd 90-91, 129, 188 (ch. XXVI 8, FAS II 208, 245, 296, 534-35);
ÞorstVík 436 ch. 19;
ÁsmK 82, 98 ch. 1, 7 (FAS II 464-65, 483-84);
EgÁsm III 3, XVI 5 (FAS III 368, 401-02);
HálfdE XXVI 5 (FAS III 556-57);
SörlaSt 415, 419 ch. 3, 5;
HrólfG 41 ch. 26 (FAS III 132)/
GHrólf 323, 354 ch. 30, 36/
BárðSn 39, 42 ch. 18, 20/
Vígk 12 ch. 4:
 »sem í vatn brygði«
Þiðr I 97 ff., II 18, 32, cf. I 97 ff.;
Blómst 19, 39 ch. 10, 24;
Huld no. 7.


Extraordinary standard.

cf. D1400.1.16;
HaraldH ch. 22 in Hkr III 105;
ÓláfTr ch. 186 in Flb I 227;
cf. RagnarL ch. 19 (20) st. 35 (Skj II 260, FAS I 297)/
Herrm 638.


Sea fettered.

ÓláfH ch. 7 in Hk II 8;
HaraldH ch. 15 in Hkr III 97.


Marvelous cures.

Sigþ 94-95 ch. 38;
Kóngab 16;
HaraldHr 268-69.


Swooning from grief.

SörlaSt 434 ch. 15;
HjÖlv 505 ch. 19;
HálfdE IX 3 (FAS III 532);
Vígl 64, 73 ch. 11, 15;
ÁsmS 11b-h;
Þiðr I 187;
HaraldHr 268;
Bevers 234 ch. 16;
cf. Signý:
HrólfKr 12 ch. 3 (FAS I 11).


Witch rides on wolf.

HHj in BuggeE 176-77;
Gylf ch. 33 (49):
Forspjallsljóð st. 10 in BuggeE 373;
HaraldH ch. 81 in Hkr III 194, ch. 114 in FMS
VI 403;
Hemings þáttr ch. 19 in Hb 337;
cf. LiestølSF 209, 212-20:
 »Trollkvinne og ulv«.


Witches- miscellaneous motifs.

cf. E784;
»tröllkona« as ill-omen:
HaraldH ch. 80-81 in Hkr III 193-95 =
FMS VI 402-05.


Hero hidden and ogre deceived by his wife (daughter) when he says that he smells human blood.

cf. HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 145;
Fær ch. 10/
cf. LiestølUpph 157-58.


Recognition by unique cookery.

HaraldHr 268-69.


Suitor tests.

Svarfd ch. 24-31;
HaraldHárf ch. 3 in Hkr I;
Friðþj ch. II 5 5 (FAS II 66, 489);
Saxo lib. III c. I 12, lib. V c. I 5;
Schlauch 107;
Reuschel 93:


Symbolic invitation to continued liberality.

Brandsþ in FMS VI 349-50 (FjÍsl 13-14);
cf. Gautr 37, 62 ff. (FAS III 41-47);
Auðunn vestfirzki:
HaraldHárf in Flb III 410-15;
HrólfKr 84-85 ch. 28 =
Saxo lib. II c. VI 12 =
Herrm 179-80.


Task: supplying water in land where it is lacking.

cf. HaraldH ch. 58 in Hkr III 154.


Animal gives wise example to man.

water for thirsty men found by following burned snake:
HaraldH ch. 58 in Hkr III 154.


Wisdom (knowledge) from dream.

cf. D1810.8;
AriÍ in ASB I ch. IV 2-3;
Njála XXIII 9-10, LXII 5-6;
Laxd ch. 48-49, 76;
GíslaS ch. 22, 24, 30, 33;
Hallfr ch. 9-11 (94, 115, 121, 129);
HrafnkelF ch. 1 =
Ldb ch. 329;
Fóstbr ch. 4, 23, 24;
Grœnlþ 277 ch. 2;
Flóam ch. 15, 20, 21;
Ldb 36 n. (> ÓláfTr ch. 128 in FMS I 254), 50 n., 119 n.;
ÓláfH ch. 112, 188 in Hkr II, ch. 107 in FMS IV 243-44, ch. 178 in FMS V 38;
Sighvats þáttr skálds and ÞórNef in FMS V 210, 319;
OddÓláfTr ch. 13 (9), 27(18);
ÓláfTr ch. 131 in FMS I 262 (= ÞorvV in FjÍsl 485; Kristni ch. 11 2-3), ch. 200, 219 in FMS II 147 (= Flb I 380), 212, ch. 279, 283 in FMS V 48, 57;
HaraldH ch. 28, 57 and MagnúsS ch. 31 in Hkr III 115, 152, 310;
MagnúsG ch. 51 in FMS VI 118(= HrafnþH in FjÍsl 249);
HaraldH ch. 6 in FMS VI 143, ch. 69 in Flb III 431 (= Þorsteins þáttr forvitna in FjÍsl 416-18);
Sverr ch. 6 in Flb II 542;
Knytl ch. 68, 117;
Orkn ch. 57;
Fær ch. 53;
Sturl I 227, 273;
Bisk I 114, 121, 258, 268, 302, 438, 444, 612, 624, 793, II 18-19, 88, 131;
Sögubr ch. 2, 3 (FAS I 367, 371-73);
EiríkV 34 ch. 4 (FAS III 670);
Þiðr II 283;
Dám 90 ch. 13;
Árm 59;
Gering I 18, 21, 22, 29, 36;
cf. LiestølUpph 147-48, 222-24;
Klare 1939 8.


Acquisition and possession of wisdom - miscellaneous.

Njála ch. 5;
Flóam ch. 26;
ÖOdd 52-53 (ch. XV 1-2, XXVI 2; FAS II 187, 206-07, 521, 534);
Friðþj XI 4 (FAS II 90-91, 499)/
cf. Gould in Modern Philology VII 207 ff.;
HjÖlv 459 ch. 4;
Álafl VI 2;
HaraldHr 268; Þiðr I 263-64, II 343-47;
Kersbergen# 144: warriors ask accidentally met man who is the chieftain of foreign ships or castle;
cf. H1232.


Son slays father in order not to be slain himself.

HaraldHr 267 ff.


Deceptive bargains as much gold in reward as sticks to poet's hair when poured over him: he smears it with tar.

Sneglu 425-26 =
HaraldH ch. 105 in FMS VI 375 (Msk 246; FjÍsl 299-300).


Substituted object left in bed while intended victim escapes.

HaraldH ch. 22 in Hkr III 106;
Saxo lib. VIII c. X 2 =
Herrm 569;
magician substitutes corpse with speaking stone under the head while he is absent (cf. D1611.16)
Mágus 38 ch. 19.


Capture by intoxication (or narcotic).

HálfH ch. XI-XIII;
GHrólf 270-71 ch. 13;
HaraldHr 267-68.


Enemies invited to banquet (visit) and killed.

Hamð in BuggeE 284 ff. =
Völs ch. 5, 35 (33)/
Skáldsk ch. 51 (42)/
Þiðr II 279 ff.;
Skáldsk ch. 4-5 (57) and 55 (44) =
HrólfKr 32-34 ch. 12 (FAS I 32-34), cf. 79-89 ch. 27-29 (FAS I 80-91)/
Saxo lib. II c. VI 1-2;
Jómsv ch. 31 (12);
Knytl ch. 91 =
Saxo lib. XIII c. VI;
Ys ch. 36;
HálfH ch. XI-XIII;
HrólfG 50-53 ch. 30-31 (FAS III 146-52);
Yngv 1-3;
HaraldHr 267-68;
Saxo lib. V c. XIV 1-4;
Reuschel 20.


Victim burned in his own house.

Akv 41/
Atlam 42-43 =
Völs ch. 8, 40 (38)/
Þiðr II 319;
Ldb ch. 6, 8, 12, 20, 79, 174, 264;
Njála CXXIX ff.;
Grett VII 6;
GíslaS III 3-6;
Band XII;
GullÞ ch. 10, 18;
Dropl ch.1;
HÞór ch. 9;
Ys ch. 14, 31, 36, 39, 40, 43;
HálfdS ch. 5 in Hkr I;
HaraldHárf ch. 2, 12, 34, 36 in Hkr I;
ÓláfTr ch. 43, 62 in Hkr I, ch. 4 in FMS IV 26;
IngaK ch. 6, by Odd ch. 58 (46);
ÓláfH ch. 169 in Hkr II, ch. 14 in FMS IV 26;
IngaK ch. 6, in FMS VII 214;
MagnúsErl ch. 11 in FMS VII 303, ch. 17, 19 in Hkr III;
Orkn ch. 28, 29, 35, 66, 73, 78, 84, 103, 113 ( 331);
Sturl I 192, 202, 238, 305-06, 401, II 189, 282;
þáttr frá Sigurði slefu in Flb I 20 (FMS III 87);
ÞorstUxaf in Flb I 255 (FMS III 119-20);
Þorsteins þáttr tjaldstœðings in Flb III 434-35 (FjÍsl 435);
Þorsteins draumr Síðu-Hallssonar in Austf 221;
Bisk I 664;
Herv 156, 160-61 (FAS I 509, 512 n.);
RagnarS 467 ch. 5 (FAS I 359);
HrólfKr 4, 14-17, 86 ch. 1, 3-4, 28 (FAS I ch. 1, 4-5, 43-44);
HálfH III 2. XII 37-46 (FAS II 27, 43-44);
Gautr 12-13 ch. 3 (FAS III 15-16);
HrólfG 70-72 ch. 42-43 (FAS III 181-84);
Friðþj V 9 (FAS II 72, 492);
GrímL 156 ch. 4;
ÁnB 342, 360-61 ch. 5, 7;
ÞorstVík 410, 432 ch. 11, 17;
GHrólf 312 ch. 27;
HálfdBr 584 ch. 13;
SturlSt 615-16 ch. 14 (prevented);
BárðSn 4, 19 ch. 2, 10;
Þiðr I 14-15;
ÞórðarH 98 ch. 6;
ÁsmS 13-14;
Hell 15-16, 45 ch. 9, 23;
FlóresS XXI ch. 22 163;
Amb 162-68 ch. 34 (33);
HaraldHr 267, 271;
AtlaÓ 15-16 ch. 12;
Stark 6-7, 51 ch. 2, 18;
Huld# no. 16.


God persuades hero to substitute a false bride for his father, this results in a fight where the son kills the father.

cf. K1911;
HaraldHr 266 ff.



cf. K1321;
HaraldH ch. 15 in Hkr III 97 and FMS VI 168;
GrímL 143 ch. 1;
EgÁsm XV 1-9 (FAS III 396-402);
JarlmH 26-27 ch. 14;
SigFót 999-1006;
SaulusN ch. 20-22.


Disguise as harper (minstrel).

cf. K2357.1.
Þiðr II 150;
SaulusN 49-52 ch. 20-21 (cf. K1371.2);
HaraldHr 267 ff.


Prince substitutes peasant girl for the king's daughter he has got for his father, but with whom he himself has fallen in love.

cf. T51.1.
HaraldHr 265-68.


Sparrows of Cirencester.

HaraldH ch. 6 in Hkr III 83, ch. 9 in FMS VI 153-54;
Saxo lib. I c. VI 10, lib. IV c. X 4 =
Herrm 93;
cf. Stender-Petersen 1929 145-64;
Krappe 1925 7-16.


Disguise as beggar to enter enemy's camp (castle) or to spy.

Fóstbr ch. 23;
ÞorlJ 210-11 (FMS III 94, FjÍsl 388);
Hallfreðar þáttr in Flb I 330 =
ÓláfTr ch. 172 in FMS II 59;
Eymundar þáttr in Flb II 128 =
ÓláfH in FMS V 287;
Orkn ch. 86;
ÞorstVík 441 ch. 20;
HaraldHr 268;
Mágus, ed. 1858, 157 ff. ch. 67;
Saxo lib. VII c. XIII.


Capture of castle by feigning death.

cf. K522.
HaraldH ch. 10 in Hkr III 89 and FMS VI 156-58;
Saxo lib. II c. I 7 =
Herrm 126.


City won by turning river from its course through city.

cf. HaraldH ch. 7 in Hkr III 84-85, ch. 8 in FMS VI 149-50.


Enemies deceived through shammed fight.

HaraldH ch. 84-85 in Hkr III 197-98;
Sverr ch. 175 in FMS VIII 434;
VilhSj 31-35 ch. 16-18;
HringH 54-55 ch. 22;
Saxo lib. II c. I 5, lib. V c. III 26, 28.


Man tricked to be one's sworn brother in order to secure his help against his mother.

HaraldHr 268-69.


Vow not to shave or cut hair until a certain time.

Eg III 1 =
HaraldHárf ch. 4 and 23 in Hkr I 103, 130, ch. 2 in Fsk 15 =
ÓláfTr ch. 1 in FMS I 3, ch. 455, 459 in Flb I 566, 569;
HálfdE ch. 6 in FMS X 175 (as curse by Dofri);
Vígl 76 ch. 17;
cf. Bugge 1917 166 ff.;
Konow 1913 1-25;
ESveinsson 1929 xxiv.


Man promises to build church, if he is victorious.

cf. V52.3.
HaraldH ch. 7 in FMS VI 145.


Dying man's curse.

Eyrb ch. 20;
Fáfn 9 =
Völs ch. 18;
HálfdBr 589 ch. 16-17;
Álafl XVI 17-19;
Kóngab 15;
HringH 44 ch. 18;
HaraldH 268;
Bragð 49 ch. 2.


Lots cast to determine luck or fatte.

cf. S262.3.
Vsp 29, 63;
Hym 1;
Ldb prol. ch. 7, ch. 265;
Ys ch. 38;
ÓláfH ch. 94 in Hkr II 195-96;
HaraldH ch. 4 in Hkr III 79;
SigJórs ch. 33 in FMS VII 140;
Sturl I 462-63;
Gautr ch. 7 (FAS III 31);
Yngv 32-33;
Ættartala in Flb I 24 (FAS II 8);
Amb 186 ch. 40 (39);
cf. Hallfr 45 ch. 5;
Fritzner I 160:
Fritzner II 16 ff.:
GrønbeckVFO IV 124;
Vries 67, 126.


King mortally wounded on killed enemy's tooth.

cf. M341.2.5.
HaraldHárf ch. 22 in Hkr I 130.


Accidental meeting with the son of the only person who can overcome curse on hero.

HaraldHr 268.


King too old to fight goes himself into his grave mound.

HrómGr 369 ch. 4;
cf. Agði:
ÞorstB 197 ch. 12/
Eg ch. 3 =
HaraldHárf ch. 8 in Hkr I 106, ch. 6 in FMS X 186 (Herlaugr).



cf. F1041.16.11;
HaraldHárf ch. 6 in FMS X 186.


Earl's name preferred to king's.

HverN ch. 1 in Flb I 22, 23 (FAS II 7);
cf. Hrollaugr:
HaraldHárf ch. 8 in Hkr I 106, ch. 6 in FMS X 186.


Son avenges father.

cf. M152.1;
HaraldH in Flb III 434-35;
HrólfKr 14-17 ch. 3-4;
ÞorstVík 432 ch. 17;
BárðSn 4 ch. 2;
Amb 162-68 ch. 34 (33).


Two brothers follow and help each other on piracy, etc.

Eg ch. 46 ff.;
Grett LXIX 2-LXXX11 27;
Svarfd ch. 3 ff.;
Hreiþh =
HaraldH ch. 26 ff. in FMS VI 200-18 (Msk 124-37; FjÍsl l44-62);
ÁnB 328 ch. 2 ff.;
HálfH IX-X (FAS II 35-37);
HrólfG 31 ch. 20-21 (FAS III 115-17);
HálfdE XV (FAS III 540);
HringH 1-25 ch. 1-10;
KáraK 56-57 ch. 28;
Fertram ch. 10 ff.;
Saxo lib. V c. II 5.


Two brothers as contrasts.

Grett XIV 1-2;
Hreiþh =
HaraldH ch. 26 ff. in FMS VI 200-218 (Msk 124-37; FjÍsl 144-62);
Herv ch 34-36, 115-17 (FAS I 444-48);
HrólfKr 3-4 ch. 1 (FAS I 3-4);
HrólfKr 17 ch. 4 (FAS I 16);
HrólfG 6-7 ch. 3 (FAS III 63);
Sigþ ch. 2 ff.;
Amb 12 ch. 2;
cf. LiestølUpph 94;
Koht 1931 28-29;
Kersbergen 113-17.



cf. S31.
RagnarL ch. 10 (9) (FAS I 264);
HaraldHr 268;
Saxo lib. V c. III 34.


Wounded hero finds shelter and is cured in peasant's house.

cf. R169.14.
Fóstbr ch. 23;
Njála LXXXVII 33 ff.;
ÓláfH ch. 216 in FMS V 87;
HaraldH ch. 1 in Hkr III 75;
Hemings þáttr ch. 23 in Hb 347;
HrólfKr 3-8, 75 ch. 1-2, 26 ff. (FAS I ch. 1, 46);
HálfH XIV 3-4 (FAS II 46);
HálfdE XIV 1-2 (FAS III 538-39);
HálfdBr 564-67 ch. 3;
ÁnB 340, 356 ch. 4, 7;
HrómGr 376 ch. 8;
Helga þáttr ok Úlfs in Flb III 458;
Villif 60 ch. 27;
FlóresS XX 16.


Rivaling poets.

Sneglu in Flb III 417-18 =
HaraldH ch. 101 in FMS VI 360 ff., FjÍsl 283 ff.


»Publication of slaying«. Heads of slain enemies displayed.

cf. H901.1;
Grett ch. 83;
Fóstbr ch. 17-18;
HÞór ch. 15;
BjörnHít ch. 32;
Knytl ch. 119;
HaraldHárf ch. 22 in Hkr I 130 =
ÓláfTr ch. 95 in FMS I 194;
ÓláfTr ch. 49 in Hkr I 354-55;
HaraldH ch. 49 in Hkr III 145;
Sturl I 305, II 55;
Ys ch, 4;
Harð ch. 38;
Vígl 64 ch. 12;
ÖOdd 176 (FAS II 285);
SigrgFr 97-98 ch. 15;
Vilm 180-81 ch. 18;
HringH 33 ch. 14;
Þiðr II 202-06;
Bevers 211 ch. 3;
Breta in Hb 235;
Saxo lib. XV c. III 13, lib. IX c. IV 27;
Schlauch# 83.


Ships carried by land.

HaraldH ch. 72 in Hkr III 179;
Sverr ch. 171 in FMS VIII 426;
Yngv 15-17, 22;
Saxo lib. IX c. IV 20-21.


Gifts as reward for gifts.

Gautr 37 ff., 62 ff. ch. 9-11, 3 (FAS III 39 ff.);
HálfH VII 6 (FAS II 33);
Auðunar þáttr in HaraldH in Flb III 410-15 (ch. 72 in FMS VI 297 ff.; FjÍsl 1 ff.).


Threat of hanging.

cf. Q413.5.1.
Atlam 33/
Hamð 21 =
Völs ch. 37 (35), 42 (40);
ÓláfH ch. 172 in Hkr II 397;
ÓláfTr ch. 173 Flb I 337 (FMS II 72);
Herv 36, 51, 127;
ÁnB 339 ch. 4;
HrómGr 379 ch. 9;
GHrólf 297 ch. 22;
HjÖlv 490,496 ch. 14;
SörlaSt 439 ch. 17;
Bósa 13, 97, 117 ch. 4, 8, 13;
Þiðr I 111, 161, 167, 177, 205, 291, II 99, 172;
Bevers 227 ch. 14;
Amb 18, 68 ch. 4, 12;
HaraldHr 268;
Úlf 190;
Andr# 2, * etc.


Burning for witchcraft.

cf. G275.3.
Atlam 87 =
Völs ch. 40 (38) (only suggestion);
OddÓláfTr ch. 58 (46) =
ÓláfTr ch. 4 in FMS I 10, ch. 62 in Hkr I 374-75;
HaraldHárf ch. 34 in FMS I 15O:
 cf. ZDA XLVIII 177;
IllGr 657-58 ch. 5.


Throwing into pit of snakes as punishment.

cf. S146.
Háttalykill ed. Skj I 489;
Sig III 59/
Oddr 28-29/
Akv 31/
Atlam 59/
Guðrúnarhvöt 17 in BuggeE 257, 280, 289, 301, 314 =
Völs ch. 39 (37)/
Skáldsk ch. 51 (42);
HaraldH in Msk 80;
Skjöld ch. 27 (28);
Krákumal st. 26-27 (FAS I 309-10, Skj I 655);
RagnarL ch. 15 (FAS I 281-82; Skj II 558);
Þiðr II 314;
Sigþ 187 ch. 30;
FlóresS XXI 13-23/
cf. introd. lxxviii;
Bevers 224-26 ch. 11-14;
Saxo lib. IX c. IV 38-39, lib. XI c. III/
cf. Herrm 651.


Prodigy as punishment.

OddÓláfTr ch. 40 (31);
HaraldH ch. 56 in Hkr III 152 Bisk II 116-18;
GHrólf 318 ch. 28.


Punishment: man stricken blind.

cf. Q451.7;
Njála ch. 106;
OddÓláfTr ch. 44 (33);
HaraldH ch. 56 in Hkr III 152;
MagnúsB ch. 21 in Hkr III 259;
BárðSn 45 ch. 21.


Princess (maiden) abducted.

cf. K235.5.1;
HHj 172;
Eg ch. 32;
HálfdS ch. 5 in Hkr I 91;
HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 147;
Fær ch. 15;
Sörla 279-82 (FAS I 400-05 ch. 7-8);
RagnarS 467 ch. 5 (FAS I 359-60);
Herv 1-2 (and 90), 4 (and 93), 44, 47, 124 (FAS I 412-13, 415, 455);
Bósa 25-63, 107-37 ch. 8-16, 10-17 (FAS III 210-34);
HverN in Flb I 22 (FAS II 4);
FundNo in Flb I 220 (FAS II 20);
ÁsmK 83-84 ch. 3 (FAS II 468);
SturlSt 634-38 ch. 22;
ÞorstVík 384, 397 ch. 1, 6;
Stark 4-5, 6 ch. 1, 2;
Þiðr II 82-83;
BárðSn 1, 31 ch. 1, 15;
Íven XI 3;
FlóresS IV ff.;
SamsF ch. 4-5;
NikL 41-43 ch. 11;
Bevers 246-48 ch. 24-26;
ÁsmS 11-14;
Saxo lib. VIII c. XI 1-2;
Schlauch 104;
Krause# 157-59.


Warriors fiee after their chief's death.

GHrólf 245, 288, 343, 356 ch. 3, 18, 33, 36;
SörlaSt 431, 446 ch. 12, 20;
(y.) Bósa 123 ch. 15;
HálfdE V 12, XX 10, XXVI 9 (FAS 111 525, 550, 557);
ÁsmVík 26 ch. 14;
Þiðr II 182, 215;
Villif (31) 34, 88 ch. 15, 41;
Úlf 158, 173;
Amb 38 ch. 8;
SaulusN 45 ch. 17;
RémK 112, 292 ch. 21, 58;
cf. stop fighting:
HaraldHr 268.


Father kisses son while planning to kill him.

HaraldHr 267.



GHrólf 312 ch. 27;
ÞorstVík 443 ch. 21;
BárðSn 38 ch. 18;
Kjaln ch. 18;
HaraldHr 268;
Schlauch 116.


Cruel husband.

Ldb ch. 200;
HaraldH ch. 95 in Hkr III 214.


Murder by poisoning.

cf. Q418.
Sinfj 202 =
Völs ch. 10/
Nornag 58 ch. 4 (Flb I 350, FAS I 323);
IllGr 657 ch. 5;
EgÁsm XIII 1 (FAS III 392);
HaraldHárf ch. 33, 41 in Hkr I 149, 160.


Mutilation: putting out eyes.

cf. Q451.7.
Skj I 340, 345, 442;
Hallfr 71;
ÓláfH ch. 75 in Hkr II 130, ch. 73 and 261 in FMS IV 151, V 151;
ÓláfTr ch. 172 in FMS II 62;
HaraldH ch. 14 in Hkr III 95;
MagnúsBl ch. 8 in Hkr III 327;
Sturl I 42, 485;
HaraldG ch. 9, 15 in FMS VII 185, 196;
Knytl ch. 100;
Orkn ch. 111;
HrólfKr 41 ch. 14 (FAS I 41);
RagnarS ch. 12 (11) (FAS I 271);
HálfH V 7-9 (FAS II 28-29);
HálfdE XVIII 4 (FAS III 547);
GHrólf 331 ch. 31;
HálfdBr 587 ch. 15;
EgÁsm XIII 4-7;
ÖOdd 42, 47, 129, 181 (ch. XI 7-9, XLIII 7);
Yngv 4;
Þiðr I 343, II 109;
cf. FlóresS XXIII 11;
HringH 15-16, 18-20 ch. 6, 9;
Amb# 154-56 ch. 30 (29).


»Blood-eagle« cut on man's back by flaying and salting.

Skj I 232: Knútsdrapa ca. 1038;
Reg 26 =
ÓláfTr ch. 286 in Flb I 352 =
Nornag 64 ch. 4 (FAS I 328);
HaraldHárf ch. 30 in Hkr I 141;
Orkn ch. 8;
OrmSt 531 (FMS III 225);
RagnarL ch. 17 (18) (FAS I 292);
RagnarS 463 ch. 3 (FAS I 354);
Sigþ 127 ch. 10 (owl instead of eagle);
Saxo lib. IX c. V 5 =
Herrn 656;
cf. Vries 131.


Love at first sight.

Skírn 90;
HálfdBr 585 ch. 14;
HálfdE VIII 14 (FAS III 531);
Þiðr II 52-60, 106;
Vígl 53 ch. 4;
FlóresS IV 5-8, XI 3-6;
HaraldHr 265 ff.;
NikL 31 ch. 10;
Gibbon 25 ch. 6;
Mágus 172 ch. 77.


Sudden love as woman pours drink for man at festival.

cf. T55.8.
Ágrip ch. 3 (FMS X 379);
HaraldHárf ch. 24 in Hkr I 133;
Völs ch. 25 (24);
Flóam ch. 2;
Skálda in Hb 445;
Saxo lib. V c. III 15.


Wooing by emissary.

Skírn =
MC 111;
HHj 171;
Gylf ch. 19 (33);
Knytl ch. 88;
ÓláfH ch. 91-92 in Hkr II 176 ff.;
ÓláfTr ch. 193 in FMS II 128, by Odd ch. 33 (25);
HaraldHárf ch. 3 in Hkr I 101;
Ys ch. 48;
HrólfKr 47 ch. 17 (FAS I ch. 24);
RagnarL ch. 5 (4) (FAS I 245);
Sögubr 3-6 ch. 1 (FAS I 363-66);
HrólfG 38 ch. 24 (FAS III 127-28);
GHrólf 267-68 ch. 11;
SturlSt 634, 638-39 ch. 22, 23;
Þiðr I 49-56 (II 71-83), 57-62 (II 87-91), 62-70 (II 94-105), 282-85, II 38-40, 47-60, 111-12, 157, 275-79;
Harð ch. 5;
JarlmH 4-19 ch. 4-19;
ÁsmS 1-2;
SigrgV ch. 7, 22;
SaulusN 85-89 ch. 33;
NikL 7-17 ch. 4-7 (cf. K1372);
Mágus 1-2, 8-9;
Kirial 2-4, 77-80;
Saxo lib. III c. II 8, lib. IV c. I 12, lib. V c. I 6-10, III 23, lib. VI c. IV 13, lib. VIII c. IX 1 etc.;
cf. Reuschel 94-95.


The scorned lover.

cf. F610.;
Skírn 25;
Ragnhildr ríka
HaraldHárf ch. 8 in FMS X 194;
ÞorstVík 385 ch. 2;
cf. Schlauch 92-93.


Woman avenges scorned love.

HaraldH ch. 13 in Hkr III 94: Zóe;
HjÖlv 481, 486 ch. 12;
KáraK 25 ch. 11;
and all items ad T418 *.


Girl must marry father's choice.

Þiðr II 113-14;
Vígl 58, 76 ch. 6, 17 ch. 70, 81 ch. 14, 19;
HaraldH 266.


Polygamous marriage.

HaraldHárf ch. 21 in Hkr I 126-21 =
ÓláfTr ch. 2 in FMS I 4;
HálfH I 1-6, V 2-4, VI 3 (FAS II 25-30);
cf. ÓláfTr ch. 43 in Hkr I 339;
Neckel 195 ff., 399 ff.


Wife's corpse kept after death.

 Hauks þáttr Hábrókar ch. 5 in FMS X 207-08/
 Ágrip ch. 4 in FMS X 379/
HaraldHárf ch. 24 in Hkr I 134;
cf. HaraldHárf ch. 1 in FMS X 178;
Saxo lib. XV c. I 1.


Miraculous power of prayer.

cf. D1766.1;
ÓláfTr ch. 106 in FMS I 227, by Odd ch. 30 (21)/
cf. R315.2;
ÓláfH ch. 179 in Hkr II 416;
HaraldH ch. 56 in Hkr III 152.


Person still alive goes into his grave-mound.

GullÞ ch. 3/
HálfdE XXVI 14 (FAS III 558);
HaraldHárf ch. 6 in FMS 186;
BárðSn 38 ch. 18;
Andr 85.


Power of the crucifix.

cf. D1621;
OddÓláfTr ch. 73 (61);
HaraldH ch. 6 in FMS VI 143;
BárðSn 40 ch. 18;
Yngv 40-41;
Gering I 239:
 lays pursuing ghost.


Miraculous healing by saint.

cf. D1500.1.9.2;
Sturl I 229;
ÓláfH ch. 189, 240, 245 in Hkr II 437, 514, 521, ch. 179, 261 in FMS V 39, 153, suppl. in FMX V 214;
HaraldH ch. 57 in Hkr III 152;
MagnúsB ch. 22 in Hkr III 260;
MagnúsS ch. 30 in Hkr III 309;
IngaK ch. 24-25 in Hkr III 382-85;
Knytl ch. 77 (FMS XI 308);
Þórhalls þáttr knapps in Flb I 439-41 (FMS II 229-32);
EgilSíðuH in Flb II 145 (FMS V 325-26, FjÍsl 20-21);
Bisk I 97, 115-24, 178-202, 208-09, 251-56, 259-60, 304 ff., 357, 438, 451, 456-61, 606-07, 611, 613-18, 644, II 20, 22-29, 79, 95, 157, 168-75, 172-73;
BárðSn 38 ch. 18;
worm taken out of woman:
 Hemings þáttr ch. 16 in Hb 334-36;
Gering I 59.