Medieval Scandinavian Motif Database

Bibliography for: Msk

Morkinskinna, ed. Finnur Jónsson for Samfund til Udgivelse af gammel nordisk Litteratur, 1929-32.

Works with this reference:


The bird Gam.

cf. D199.5;
cf. F531.1.8.6;
cf. G211.9;
cf. R138.2.
As ogre with iron beak and claws:
ÖOdd 118-20 (FAS II 230)/
Bósa 28 ff., 89 ff., 108-13 (FAS III 210-13, 233)/
Part 33/
 cf. SturlSt 612 ch. 12:
 »líkari gammsklóm enn manna nöglum«;
Flies with human being:
ÖOdd 120 (FAS II 231-32)/
 EgÁsm II 3-4/
FlóresS XXI 2-10/
KáraK ch. 1, 18;
Gam's egg:
Bósa 20, 62, 104 (FAS III 207 ch. 6 ff., 233 ch. 10)/
 cf. Nerman 1953;
Gam in prince's banner:
Kirial 16.


Transformation and disenchantment at will.

cf. D113.1;
* and, in general, references throughout D610-629, D640-659, D670-699;
Nearly all of those motifs involve the idea of voluntary transformation. In Old Icelandic the idea of people possessing a power like this is often expressed through the words »hamramr« »eigi einhamr«, »hamhleypa«, »fara hamfari«.
Eyrb ch. LXI 5;
Eg I 8, III 18-20, XXVII 6, LIX 52, LXXII 11;
GullÞ ch. 14, 18;
ÁnB ch. 29;
Hávarð ch. 1;
Sturl I 5;
Ys ch. 6-1 (Odin);
Hóam ch. 16;
Völs ch. 9;
Bósa 25, 84 ch. 8, 6 (FAS III 210);
ÞorstVík 390, 395 ch. 3, 5;
GHrólf 241 ch. 2;
SörlaSt 426 ch. 10;
HálfdBr 573 n. ch. 6;
BárðSn 11, 14, 18 ch. 5, 8, 9;
OrmSt 521, 522, 524;
ÞórðarH 95 ch. 3;
HálfdE ch. 8;
Sigþ ch. 25;
SkáldH 18 ch. 6;
Vald 63 ch. 1;
Mágus ch. 61.
cf. StrömbäckSejd 21 (ad Ls 24), 160 ff. ch. IV »Sejd och hamskifte«;
Reuschel 114;
Schlauch 124;
MC 46;
Saussaye 298f.


Giant with nails like claws.

cf. E422.1.8.
IllGr 653 ch. 4;
SturlSt 612 ch. 12;
VilhSj 12 ch. 6:
 »sem gammsklær«;
Part 33.



Sneglu in Flb III 418-20 (FMS VI 362; Msk 236; FjÍsl 283-84);
SamsF 32, 42: Smámeyjaland;
Heimslýsing in Hb 166.


Strong man throws man back and breaks his bones (legs).

Hreiþh in Msk 133 (FMS VI 212, FjÍsl 156);
SörlaSt 422 ch. 8;
Vígk 18 ch. 5;
Blómst 39-40 ch. 24.


Man who is too heavy for any horse walks faster than horsebock-riders.

cf. F610.7.
GHrólf 249 ch. 4/
cf. HaraldHárf ch. 24 in Hkr I 131;
Hreiðars þáttr halta in Msk 131-32, FMS VI 210-11 (FjÍsl 155).


Extraordinary equipment of ship.

Skj I 308, 310, 412/
Saxo lib. VI c. VI 10:
precious sail:
 Þorvarðs þáttr krákunefs in Flb III 357-59 (FMS VI 357, Msk 201, FjÍsl 503-07);
Amb 128 ch. 24;
Vilm 185 ch. 20;
Konr 48 ch. 2.


Deceptive bargains as much gold in reward as sticks to poet's hair when poured over him: he smears it with tar.

Sneglu 425-26 =
HaraldH ch. 105 in FMS VI 375 (Msk 246; FjÍsl 299-300).


Sham dream prophesying shipwreck makes people leave ship so that there is room enough for man who wants to go.

Sneglu in Flb III 425-26 (FMS VI 375-77);
Msk 246;
FjÍsl 300-01).


Unpromising hero kills those who scorns him.

Hreiþh in Msk 132-33 (FMS VI 212-13; FjÍsl 155-57);
Þiðr II 43-45;
AtlaÓ 1-5 ch. 1-3;
Kóngab 2-6.


None permitted to enter hall of king unless he possesses an art.

cf. P320.1;
cf. Hreiþh in Msk 129 (FMS VI 207, Flb III 416, FjÍsl 279-80);
Sneglu in Msk 235 (FMS VI 360, Flb III 416, FjÍsl 279-80).


Two brothers follow and help each other on piracy, etc.

Eg ch. 46 ff.;
Grett LXIX 2-LXXX11 27;
Svarfd ch. 3 ff.;
Hreiþh =
HaraldH ch. 26 ff. in FMS VI 200-18 (Msk 124-37; FjÍsl l44-62);
ÁnB 328 ch. 2 ff.;
HálfH IX-X (FAS II 35-37);
HrólfG 31 ch. 20-21 (FAS III 115-17);
HálfdE XV (FAS III 540);
HringH 1-25 ch. 1-10;
KáraK 56-57 ch. 28;
Fertram ch. 10 ff.;
Saxo lib. V c. II 5.


Two brothers as contrasts.

Grett XIV 1-2;
Hreiþh =
HaraldH ch. 26 ff. in FMS VI 200-218 (Msk 124-37; FjÍsl 144-62);
Herv ch 34-36, 115-17 (FAS I 444-48);
HrólfKr 3-4 ch. 1 (FAS I 3-4);
HrólfKr 17 ch. 4 (FAS I 16);
HrólfG 6-7 ch. 3 (FAS III 63);
Sigþ ch. 2 ff.;
Amb 12 ch. 2;
cf. LiestølUpph 94;
Koht 1931 28-29;
Kersbergen 113-17.


Faithless foster-brother.

cf. K1766.1;
Msk 190-92/
cf. Olsen 1953 1-22.



cf. A1464.1;
HrafnþH in FMS VI 102-19 (FjÍsl 126-43);
Sighv in FMS IV, V (FjÍsl 223-77)/
cf. Lie 1946 66-74:
 »Sagnet om hvorledes Sigvat ble skald«;
ÞorlJ 207-15 (FjÍsl 383-99, FMS III 89-104);
Þormóðr Kolbrúnarskáld in ÓláfH ch. 208 ff. in Hkr II;
ÁsmS 7-8, 9, 11, 13;
Skálda in Hb 445;
cf. LiestølUpph 149-50;
Koht 1931 159-60;
poet as hero:
Heinzel 141;
cf. poet as king's marshall:
 Einars þáttr Skúlasonar in FMS VII 355 (Msk 442 ff.; FjÍsl 28).


Poet rewarded for poem.

cf. K199.1;
all with gold rings:
 Gull-Ásu-Þórðar þáttr in FMS VII 113 (FjÍsl 80);
Sighv in FMS IV 90, 189, V 175 (FjÍsl 224, 229, 235, 241);
ÞorlJ in FMS III 93 (FjÍsl 387; Flb I 210; Ísl. Fornsögur III (1883) 120);
Sneglu in FMS VI 375 (FjÍsl 299-300; Flb III 425-26; Msk 246)/
cf. K179;
Stúfs þáttr in ÍslF V 287 ff.


Musician flogged for eating a kid on Friday (day of fast).

Einars þáttr Skúlasonar in FMS VII 355-56 (Msk 446-47; FjÍsl 29).


Throwing into pit of snakes as punishment.

cf. S146.
Háttalykill ed. Skj I 489;
Sig III 59/
Oddr 28-29/
Akv 31/
Atlam 59/
Guðrúnarhvöt 17 in BuggeE 257, 280, 289, 301, 314 =
Völs ch. 39 (37)/
Skáldsk ch. 51 (42);
HaraldH in Msk 80;
Skjöld ch. 27 (28);
Krákumal st. 26-27 (FAS I 309-10, Skj I 655);
RagnarL ch. 15 (FAS I 281-82; Skj II 558);
Þiðr II 314;
Sigþ 187 ch. 30;
FlóresS XXI 13-23/
cf. introd. lxxviii;
Bevers 224-26 ch. 11-14;
Saxo lib. IX c. IV 38-39, lib. XI c. III/
cf. Herrm 651.



Skírn in BuggeE 90 =
MC 110;
HrólfKr 29-30 ch. 10-11 (FAS I ch. 13-14);
GHrólf 300 ch. 23;
Ívars þáttr Ingimundarsonar in FMS VII 103-06 (Msk 354-55; FjÍsl 176);
Þiðr 147-49;
JarlmH 36 ch. 19;
FlóresB VI 1 ff.;
FlóresS V 5-10;
SigrgV 132-33 ch. 7;
RémK 12 ch. 5 ff.;
Gering I 288;
Saxo lib. III c. II 12 =
Herrm 228.


Wooing emissary wins lady's love for himself.

cf. K1094;
Ívars þáttr Ingimundarsonar in FMS VII 103-04 (Msk 354; FjÍsl 176-77);
Völs ch. 42 (40);
Þiðr II 47-60;
SigFót 1000-01; Úlf 143.


Symbolic gifts.

wooden craw as symbol of poor king:
Ys ch. 27 (Vendilkráka)/
 cf. Z181;
golden swine with reference to the nickname Sýr:
Hreiþh in FMS VI 216 (Msk 135, FjÍsl 159-61).